The Fisherman's Wharf > Clean-em Cook-em Eat-em

My kitchen crew


Doubles Shooter:
Last week I had a weak moment and decided to turn my 6yo granddaughter and 2yo Grandson loose in the kitchen to help prepare a fish fry. The granddaughter said, "you sit down and we'll do it". So I just stood there and watched not even caring what two little ones, flour, eggs, and breading will do to my newly remodeled kitchen with black appliances. Actually it went quite well. They worked great as a team with the girl being the leader.

Flouring the fillets.

Art break.

Egg wash to the breadcrumbs.

The little guy did the egg wash and the Granddaughter breaded them. They did a great job despite their young age. They it did all except the deep frying which I'll do for a few more years. A great time was had by all. Looking forward to the next time.

Outstanding !!  Way to get the young ones involved

Mac Attack:
Creating memories.  Awesome!
They will remember that forever.


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