MFF US Northeast > New Hampshire

Gifted some tackle but I don't know what to do with it


About a year ago a buddy of mine gifted a bunch of stick baits to me from a brother that passed away. One box of what appear to be really deep diving stick baits and one box of also deep diving- I don't know what to call them? They resemble poppers to me, but obviously are deep running baits. I believe this guy fished Champlain mostly and I'm thinking these are for targeting walleye? I have never fished for walleye. I wanted to make sure I catch a fish using these baits so I can send my buddy a picture. How do you fish these things and what are they for? Maybe pike? If they are deep diving are they for trolling or casting? I'm sure I can go and throw these and catch bass with them somewhere, but they seem really specific and he had a lot of them so he must have fished for something specific.

Steve H.:
The longer ones (bottom image) are stickbaits, as you say.  The shorter, fatter ones (top image) are generally referred to as crankbaits.  Those are a nice collection of both and that's a great gift.

Not surprising these came from a Champlain angler.  I'm with you that these were probably used for walleye trolling, almost certainly the deep-diving stickbaits as that's a very common lure and technique.  The crankbaits may have also been used for walleye but more likely deepwater bass, in my humble opinion.  Doesn't really matter, I'm sure walleye and smallmouths share the same habitat in Champlain and both can be caught on either lure, trolling or casting.

The shorter fat ones I am not so sure but the long skinny stickbaits are  a really good laker lure in spring on champlain

Mac Attack:
These will all catch fish Geoff.
Fresh or saltwater fish.
Obviously, you will want to change out the hooks to stainless steel hooks if you want to run in the salt with them for any extended time.

You can cast or troll.

Larger spoon bills will dive deeper as you thought.

Give them a try - they are all great lures.

Good luck buddy.

Post pics of what you catch with them.

 I use some of them for trolling eyes, and some will work for both eyes and smallies just think outside the box 😉 matching the hatch let’s say  isn’t always the ticket 😃


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