The Fisherman's Wharf > The Pro Angler

What's the definition for " Pro Angler"

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someone that is ......

"PRO" active in the sport of fishing to me is a pro.  The guy that can go out and fish all day and not catch anything and feel like he's a winner, thats a pro.  But the guy that will take some time out of his busy schedule to take a couple kids out fishing would qualify also, to me that is.  Who of us would really want to be a "PRO" and add all that pressure to an otherwise enjoyable day on the water??


Been there, done that, good success but will never do it again. More fun teaching kids clinics and taking them out.
Well put soldier.

Some whos good with a protractor ???

I think the pro anglers hang around on downtown street corners.

This is not word for word,  or maybe it is,  "The real genius is the guy that gets paid to go fihing!"  I love that commercial,  even though it comes from the enemy.  Any problems with the last,  ask me about it in the Chat Room. 


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