The Fisherman's Wharf > Golf

So what's your low round for the year?

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Just curious how any of you fellow golf nuts are playing this year. I shot my low round ever of 76 last week. :D

Well then, my low score ought to make you feel like a pro.  I play golf, but I'm no golfer.  Low score: 104!!
On a side note, I did score a 9 in beers and a 7 in lost balls.  Hmmmm, I wonder if there is a correlation??

Haven't been out all that much to tell ya the truth. Been playing alot of fastpitch the last month. But on the golf thing?, I think I hit a 95 a few weeks ago.


--- Quote from: Hookset on Jul 20, 2005, 02:08 PM --- I did score a 9 in beers and a 7 in lost balls.  Hmmmm, I wonder if there is a correlation??

--- End quote ---

Ya think? lol. I did that last night. For me... beer=bad golf.

got a 94 earlier in the season.


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