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Author Topic: A real GIANT  (Read 129350 times)


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A real GIANT
« on: Mar 20, 2013, 03:03 PM »
Several years ago i was fishing with my dad, brothers and a few friends in Singuish Lake up in Duck Mountain Provincial Park. It was our first time fishing in that area of Duck Mountain but it seemed like a really nice lake. The first day there we were fishing just off the shore since it was too dark to actually drive the boat in an unfamiliar lake, but we managed to catch several decent sized pike. The next day i was the first one up and i was already fishing before the sunrise and had some fun with a few really nice size pike. Finally when we got the boat in the water, i asked my dad to take us around a bend where it seemed like it would be nice for dad replied saying that there were no walleye in the lake, i felt somewhat dissapointed because i love fishing for them in the clear water. My dad still went around the bend that i was talking about, which looked really nice under the water with all the nice weed patches around. I took one of my personal favourite lures, a size 18 perch original floater lure, and threw it out for a few casts. After several casts of nothing, i felt a giant tug on my rod and already i was standing at the edge of the boat ready to bring in a nice dad told me that it was probably just a lot of weeds considering the size of my lure and when my line got near the top i could see a lot of weeds around my lure so i assumed that he was right. But then all of a sudden the water splashed all around it and i saw some pectoral fins flip over and they were HUGE FINS. My dad was already at the net because this fish we knew was going to be a monster sized fish, so when we pull it up to the boat, it rolled over about 5 feet under, and i could see it as clear as day. A walleye that made a trophy pike look tiny, my dad was motionless after looking at the size of this walleye, and he had his own 31 inch mounted on the wall. The thing that i found most horrible about it though, was my dad eventually put the net in to grab the giant yellowback, but it was too big for the net...and it was a big catfishing net, when the walleye got to the top though i was stunned to look at its dorsal fin which must have been at least 12 INCHES BIG!!! My dad eventually got the walleye in the net head first and he himself strainded to try and get the fish in the boat, but he lost grip on the net!!!! So in the end the fish got away sadly...i was so sad after that, my dad felt really bad too because we all knew that this was a true one in a lifetime walleye.

I'm hoping one day me and a few of my friends will travel back to singuish lake and maybe i can get hooked on the same monster.


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Re: A real GIANT
« Reply #1 on: Mar 21, 2013, 09:14 PM »
I guess the one that got away is also the one that keeps us coming back. great story.
done dirt cheap!


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Re: A real GIANT
« Reply #2 on: Mar 27, 2013, 09:42 AM »
I know how you feel. Years ago I was on a boundary waters trip with my dad and hooked into what I thought was a monster northern. We had just portaged into a bay of lac lacroix and I was trolling a reef runner behind the canoe. Something hammered the lure and the rod doubled over. I had 100' of line out and with a couple of good runs it took what seemed forever to get the fish boatside. The water was stained dark and the sky was overcast so it was hard to see what I had, but from the fight and weight I thought I had a monster northern. Back then we didn't carry nets on the boundary waters trips, one more thing to have to portage, so landing large fish in a canoe was a tough proposition. A few more boat side runs and I was able to get the fish close enough for my dad to make a grab. He missed but was able to get a good look at what we had and said in a awestruck voice "that's a huge walleye". He was able to get it's tail partially out of the water and we had both seen the tell tale white on the enormous tail. That was the closest we came to getting it in the boat, a few more runs and she was gone, the lure popping out of her mouth. It was easily the biggest walleye I've ever personally seen or had on the line. It was an awesome trip and I ended up catching what are still my two biggest lake trout, but those few minutes fighting that monster walleye are as vivid a memory as anything else on that trip. I also learned a valuable lesson about having a net.


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Re: A real GIANT
« Reply #3 on: Mar 28, 2013, 05:44 PM »
I think we all have a story of "the big one that got away"!  Itsnt that hiw it goes, who remembers the little ones that got away. Lol

william berger

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Re: A real GIANT
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2013, 02:58 PM »
That we all probably do. I have one that I still dream about almost 20 years later. When I was about 11 or 12 I was fishing the bank of the Chenango River and I got a 12 in smallie on my third cast. It was the first time I had ever caught a smallie so it was a pretty big fish to me. I put it on a little stringer and kept it in the water by my feet. 3 hours later I looked down and saw at least a 4 foot musky staring at it from just inches away. Can you imagine that bit of excitement for an 11 or 12 year old! That might have been the biggest adrenaline rush I ever had in my childhood. Sadly my family moved out of that part of New York after that summer. I still want to mount a trip on the Chenango to hunt for that fish...


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Re: A real GIANT
« Reply #5 on: Jul 10, 2013, 11:26 AM »
......From the point of view of the guy with the net. A few years ago my friend and I were fishing for salmon on Rangeley Lake. We had the usual buddy thing going on about who was the bigger , better, faster fisherman and made a huge bet of $1 each for first fish, longest fish,  and heaviest. As we trolled by an island my friend hooked a salmon that without question was going to easily win all three categories. He played the fish brilliantly and carefully brought it to the boat where I was waiting with the this day he claims I intentionally knocked that huge fish off to avoid paying $3.00   ;) ;) ;) :o :o :o
I could have been somebody....I could have been a contender....not a bum... which is what I am now.....Brando


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Re: A real GIANT
« Reply #6 on: Jul 19, 2015, 07:25 PM »
I was fishing in a farm irrigation pond that had a stream from a bigger lake coming in and going out to I don't know where. I had a pole that was a 6 piece that came in a box. I always carried it behind the seat in my truck when I got my license, I hooked something that I thought was a snag. It shot about 20 feet right then back toward where the stream went out and I pulled back and was lowering the rod and just heard this horrible snapping and cracking sound. I closed my eyes and then I opened them and there was just the handle from aboit 6 inched in front of the reel and that's it. To this day I have no idea what it was, I had fished there many times before and after and never hooked anything like it.


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Re: A real GIANT
« Reply #7 on: Mar 07, 2016, 11:52 AM »
dont you guys know the big ones always get away ;)
Live to fish  Fish to live


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