The Fisherman's Wharf > MyFishFinder Polls

Poll - Barbless hooks?

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big walleye:
Well we Manitoba anglers have no say as it is strictly barbless. It is not that I do not beleive the fish have a better chance of survival if you use barbless hooks . I just beleive a person has to be careful when removing hooks. I also where a glove on my hand that I handle the fish with. It helps in reducing the slime loss on the fish. If you play the fish right you should not lose it.


--- Quote from: big walleye on Apr 16, 2004, 10:18 PM ---Well we Manitoba anglers have no say as it is strictly barbless. It is not that I do not beleive the fish have a better chance of survival if you use barbless hooks . I just beleive a person has to be careful when removing hooks. I also where a glove on my hand that I handle the fish with. It helps in reducing the slime loss on the fish. If you play the fish right you should not lose it.

--- End quote ---

Your right on with that big walleye. They just went 100% barbless here in Alberta. Good thing too, too many fisherman for the too few lakes, rivers and streams! They all complain about losing fish, but once they learn to fish em, they will be fine.
Sask., where I came from is not barbless yet, but I think they will be soon. The 5 walleye limit is too much, a lot of lakes have slots, reduced limits & C&R regulations at this time.

I've never fished with them. I find that I would be too frustrated by losing too many fish. I want to catch as many as I can. I also dont think they would help my mortality as I lip hook almost all trout with my secret technique, and I rarely deeply hook anything else because I use lures for everything else, which usually don't hook too deep. If a fish that I caught is bleeding, I always keep it, unless it is illegal to do so.

I do not believe in barbless hook regulations. Many biologists, even those here in Colorado, say that barbless hooks do not lower mortality at all in fish. Colorado has no regulations requiring barbless hooks, though we have a glut of waters not allowing the fishing with bait,
Bait mortality is largely matter of how you fish it, not that it's bait. I would say when still fished without the rod in your hand, almost half of fish you catch are deep hooked, and only half of those fish survive when the line is cut. Mortality is probably about 25% when fishing like this, much higher than properly fished lures or flies.
However when you are holding a live bait rig in your hand, you can set when the fish takes, just like with an artificial, and rarely miss a fish. They will be almost always hooked in the lip, so fishing like this, especially on rivers, makes bait mortality the same as flies or lures.
If barbless regs are in your area, I suggest protesting and petitioning against them. Much data is available that shows barbless hooks do nothing for conservation except make anglers lose fish more often. When you don't like a regulation, you should fight to change it rather than just complain. Get the people in your corner.


I fish with barbs and without depends on the species, average size of fish, if I deeply hook a few fish i'll usually start goin barbless so I can get the hooks out.  as for losing fish i'll loose a fish every once in a while wether i'll using barbs or not, havent seen a spike in the amount of fish I lose when fishing without barbs I voted yes,yes,no


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