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Author Topic: These are times to try men's souls  (Read 934 times)


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These are times to try men's souls
« on: Dec 29, 2023, 12:42 PM »
With apologies to Thomas Paine, it's true, at least insofar as fishing is concerned.

The "betwixt and between" weather we have been having lately means that it's too warm to go ice fishing and yet too cold (and wet) to do much in the way of productive open water fishing. 

Wednesday, my younger son and I had the dubious distinction of getting skunked on all three branches of the Hoosic River  - - i.e., the South in Adams as well as both the North and Main in North Adams - - and only narrowly salvaged the day with a decent (9") brookie apiece on Hudson Brook in the Natural Marble Bridge State Park.

Yesterday, we tried Onota Lake in Pittsfield - - along the Dan Casey causeway and the pier at Burbank Park - - but went totally fishless.

However, today, I had a better experience while fishing (solo) the uppermost flood control chute on the South Branch of the Hoosic in Adams (i.e., the behind the Polanka Picnic Grounds on Mill Street) for an hour late this morning.

The weather was fairly miserable - - cloudy and damp (but not raining) with temps in the mid 40's.

At first (and, indeed, for most of the time), I had absolutely no action whatsoever - - but, just as I was getting ready to leave, I had a hit - - and ended up reeling in (and then hauling my catch hand over hand up the wall of the chute) a 14" brown, which, I'm pleased to say, I was able to release unharmed and see it swim away to fight another day.


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Re: These are times to try men's souls
« Reply #1 on: Mar 05, 2024, 08:24 AM »
Thats a tough one Jim, that spot produces though!


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