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Author Topic: "The Old Man"  (Read 7162 times)


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"The Old Man"
« on: Mar 19, 2004, 07:49 AM »
"The Old Man"
For my friend and lifetime fishing partner, Bob Durfee
Pat McManus writes that every aspiring fisherman should find an "Old Man" to educate them in the finer points of the outdoor experience. Someone to teach them to fish.

 I found my "Old Man" in my late 30's. He was, and still is, the owner of my favorite local breakfast stop. To say he is a fisherman would be an understatement.

 When we first started talking fish, I was in the throws of chasing green carp (bass) on an  almost daily basis. Thrashing the water with everything lure known to man was the norm. Hours and hours of casting, catching and releasing. That was fishing for me at the time.

 One morning as I bragged to him about being able to catch 5 bass with my first 5 casts on a local water, he couldn't stand it any longer and challenged me. " I'll do you one better" I said, "I'll get you 5 bass on YOUR first 5  casts". Of course he started with  "what kind of lures" etc. I stopped him and said "I'll get you 5 bass on 5 casts and you'll  take me perch fishing". He was known to be an expert perch fisher. The bet was on.

 We met at the launch and motored to a sunken cribbing. I handed him a rod, rigged a big  live crab with a weedless hook and pointed where to cast. Bam, the crab hit the water and away it went...a nice 3 pounder. 2, 3, 4, 5 and then  6, 7 casts...a fish every time. He was laughing out loud having a ball. The day was a first for us and the beginning of 20 years of fishing together.

 The perch trip came up quickly and he totally crushed my ego out fishing me 10 to 1. He continued to school me and in a couple of years time I could keep up with him. Then came dock fishing  and ice fishing...the master was sharing his craft .

 His only stipulation???  "I'll teach you how I fish...You'll  take me fishing when I get old".

 My relationship with "The Old Man" has grown to a deep friendship. It's the stuff of life...the benefits of age...the joy of living and sharing. Many friends come and go but few are forever.

 So my advice is ...find your self an "Old Man"  and live your fishing life to the fullest. Oh yeah, and don't forget, when some newbie asks to go fishing with you, you may be talking to you're next fishing partner.

 Thanks Bob,


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #1 on: Mar 19, 2004, 09:18 AM »
This reminds me of the Old Man who taught me everything I know about fishing and hunting. He would spend hours teaching me something new. he was the greatest friend a man could have. 6 of us decided for his 70th birthday we would surprise him with a trip to Labrador, a place he always talked about going but never did. Well his 70th birthday came and the last thing for him to open was a photo album. In this album was pictures of all of us threw out the years with him. On the last page was the confarmation for the trip. Well needless to  say everyone needed atissue for this one. We still had 1 month before we left on hte trip. So now he was pumped, talking, planning tying new flies the whole shooting match. We arrived at the camp after a 3 hour floatplane ride. He took one look around, look at me and said young man get in that boat and lets catch some fish. Well as the week went by he spent time individually with everyone (Quality Time). We all caught fish of great size to talk about during dinner time. the week came to an end we were  on our way home. He had nothing but thanks for everyone. Now this is where it gets hard, we arrived home on a friday night, Saturday afternoon i got a call, he had been rushed to the hospital for a massive heart attck. He passed away that day.... During the Furneral the Preist read a letter he had received from him prior to the trip. The last sentence said Please tell the BOYS I had the time of my life.......  Cherish every minute you have with your OLD MAN :) :) :)


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #2 on: Mar 19, 2004, 06:59 PM »
Had a fellow in his 80's to my left and one in the 70's to my right today on the ice. Not sure what we did more of. Exchange stories/advice or catch fish.
It don't get much better.
Mobil Launch Team - 2 , 5th MAC SOG
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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #3 on: Mar 19, 2004, 07:45 PM »
This sums up what I wanted when I suggested a fishing stories forum.  These are the real things to share,  everything else can be learned by trial and error.


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #4 on: Mar 19, 2004, 08:15 PM »
That's a great story FLAG.  Pretty much says it all about why we all love this sport and spending time in the great outdoors with good friends and family so much.  The time of our lives...  Nice!  8)


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #5 on: Mar 21, 2004, 01:09 AM »
RG and Flag,

Cannot say enough how you both have hit the nail right on the head.

"Fishing, pass'in it on . . ."

As a largely self taught (and I would add, slow learner  :-[ to boot) fisherman, I myself am still looking for this mentor type person.

I have passed on my love of fishing and the out-doors to my own three sons and countless scouts in our troop. As each son's time is spread out between an increasing number of activities, I am confident they will each return to the activities we have enjoyed over the years. When they start their own families I expect to take their kids under the same out-door wing some day in the future. Until then I look forward to rubbing elbows with peers of any age.

Email me to swap information on fishing holes or to go fish'in sometime in the Syracuse Central NY area (Onondaga and Madison county water holes in particular).


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #6 on: Mar 22, 2004, 08:50 PM »
Flag, that is a great story. If you are a religious person, you have probably thought that that guy is up in heaven right now, fishing that spot.

These old men remind me of me

I teach my dad and brother stuff :D

I tought the special worm drift, the downstream jig, daredevil on the surface, etc.

I will be a great old man one day to teach someone the art of river trout fishing.

Now... If only I could catch very many pike!!!!!!!


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #7 on: Mar 22, 2004, 08:58 PM »
Awesome stories.   I know a guy who I hope can teach me a few things. He lives right down the road is is rather old already, but he will be able to teach me a lot.  I have been self taught for the most part, but pass on as much as possible.  I know a 13 yr old who loves to fish, but don't know how and has nobody to take him.  I have taken him some, and if he catches one gill, it is a great fishing day, and if I catch a few, I am a hero!!!  lol  As it gets warmer I will take him more, especially when he gets out of school
Just wanna be fishing, not just wishin


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #8 on: Mar 22, 2004, 09:20 PM »
We are honoring the mentors in our fishing lives on this thread, but I think that there is a lot to be said for being the mentor.

Ruebenpa - take that kid fishing as often as you can and teach him as much as you know.  I think it is a great honor and priviledge to have someone that looks up to you and respects the knowledge you have to share.

Glad to hear that he has someone looking out for him and teaching him the ways of the wild!!


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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #9 on: Mar 23, 2004, 09:05 AM »
Flag, that is a great story. If you are a religious person, you have probably thought that that guy is up in heaven right now, fishing that spot.

These old men remind me of me

I teach my dad and brother stuff :D

I tought the special worm drift, the downstream jig, daredevil on the surface, etc.

I will be a great old man one day to teach someone the art of river trout fishing.

Now... If only I could catch very many pike!!!!!!!

He is there along with my Grandfather finding every place to fish so they can show me when i get there ;D ;D ;D.
My grandfather and him were best friends. He took over (to say) for my grandfather when he past away before i was old enough to understand fishing or hunting.. ;D ;D

Fat Boy

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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #10 on: Mar 29, 2004, 12:37 PM »
Great stories...all true...

Well, they inspired me, so the other day I woke up and decided to find me an old man to fish with too.  I got up, walked into the bathroom and looked into the mirror to comb my hair...

and... :o ...uh...oh...

...found him... ;D

ARRGGGHHH!!!! >:(  I hate gettin' old!!!

big walleye

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Re: "The Old Man"
« Reply #11 on: Mar 29, 2004, 07:53 PM »
Those stories are awesome. My grandfather was a die hard fisherman. My father told me many stories of how much my granfather cherished the open water. He use to bring my grandmother along but it really bugged  him when all she did was read a book. I was to young to go fishing with my grandfather as he was having trouble in his last years. I have one of his rods and I will never use it. I touch it every spring for luck. I wish I would of been a little older and he a little younger so I could of also had the chance to fish with him. I love the sport to death and I know I take this from him. grandfather I hope you are catching fish after fish in the mighty lakes that one day all us anglers will have a chance to fish. 8)
Fishing,Hockey,Beer  is all man needs to survive!!!<br />


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