The Fisherman's Wharf > MyFishFinder Polls

Poll - Barbless hooks?

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when flyfishing (90+ % of the time) always. don't hink i lose any more fish than anybody else.

I Never use barbless...why would I want to lose what Im after? My hooks are always razor sharp, too...very important.

Barbless hooks  ??? Whats that? My hooks are razor sharp. Nothing ever gets off my hooks. :rotflol: :rotflol: Hook em an Cook em

I have recently introduced my 11 and 14 year old daughters to the sport... Barbless makes C&R so much easier with them. 

mr tip up:
once and a while I will fish barbless hook   definitely in the catch and release areas

I thing less injury to the fish

don't think you loose a lot more fish


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