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Author Topic: February-March....A Long Journey and Barely Made the Destination  (Read 2021 times)

Jim C.

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February and March are almost always the toughest months for open water fishing in Maine.  There have been a few years when this was not the case, and the open water trout and salmon bite was off the charts all winter long.  Unfortunately, the winter action for 2024 was about as far opposite from a hot bite as you can get :(

February started out on a good note.  I had a follow on my first cast on 2/1, followed by a solid hook-up on my second.  Sometimes, this will happen if I can get a follower to commit on a follow-up cast.  In this case, I think the first customer was a brookie  that didn't return and I got on the board with a brown.  No monster, but not too shabby either and almost certainly a holdover from the Fall 2022.

I thought I was off the races, but unfortunately the rest of the day stalled.  I put the effort in, using deer tracks to show me the way around shore ice and also managed to get some decent drifts around the pancakes, but there was no sign of life whatsoever.

The non-action continued for several trips, so I took a break to hit the hard water. What a contrast!  It was interesting (maybe shocking is the better word) to see how crappie have gone from "occasional" to "dominant" on waters where I used to jig togue and get into some pretty good browns.  Is there a cause and effect going on :-\   Regardless, it was a nice break from the open water grind.

When the clock struck March, it was time to get back in the open water salmonid hunt.  To say the fishing was TOUGH would be a severe understatement.  It was further compounded by 4 interactions with property owners and law enforcement in 3 weeks, including  a police officer and a warden in a 0:30 time span.  A PB! ::)  The property owner "meet and greets" came first.  I was near here when a property owner brandished a barking shepherd on me.

I believe I was in the right, but in the interest of saving my waders, I moved on.

On later trip, I was approached by a caretaker on a property I've transited for years to access water.  I have known the property owner for years. Turns out, the property has changed hands recently and the new owner might end access.  The caretaker and I had a good talk, with the final outcome on access "TBD".

Then came the "2 for 1" day at a different spot.  A police officer pulled up to talk with me about complaints from property owners on the local lake.  Legally (it's a "Great Pond"), I wasn't sure where I stood, so I played super nice, while at the same time realizing I was probably done with this spot :P  I moved to a different shoreline spot.  Fishless, but enjoyable for a bit.  Then the warden showed up.  It was just a license check, but when he asked me how I was doing, I told him ;)  A few folks on here have seen what happens when I get asked that question at the wrong time or in the wrong place.  Let's just say that a long day and long month came to a head.,vid:Ml6S2yiuSWE,st:0

I took a break for a few days, with only tiny gaps between the morning coffee and the evening beverages.  I'll be damned if I didn't see a fish, even if was floating by in the sky rather hooked on one of my lures.

Back from the long tangent to the fishing...a total GRIND.  I was fully figuring that my open trout and salmon streak was in the "crash and burn" mode. Wildly fluctuating water levels were not helpful.  Stable shore ice with nice eddies and slack water pockets never really set up.

You know you're in a bad way when recovering a float rig you lost months earlier is the outing highlight.

Or maybe finding some pack ratted "blasts from the past" during a home reno project makes your day.

It could always get tougher....must be a story here :)

I saved my sorry arse with a single brown on a local pond on the day it iced out.  My only hit of the month for March. :o

Just enough to keep the streak alive at 13 full years and counting 8)




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Brutal report, Jim. Lol. Sounds like you had more interactions with crazy landowners than fish haha. Never a good thing. I’ve had my fair share of less than ideal interactions with landowners while fishing or cutting firewood over the last few years. I try to avoid it now if I can. People are crazy as hell haha.

fish wayniac

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Jim, You are the “Nutty fisherman” for open water fishing for 13 years .Just kidding !🥶 I always enjoy your posts seeing fish pics and landscapes . Hopefully April brings more fish to the net for you. After an early ice out the last 3 weeks waiting to troll have been painful for me.

Jim C.

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There is a Chamber of Commerce type report out saying that Maine needs 84,000 new homes by 2030 :o  I can only imagine what that will look like :P  A lot of issues.

Brutal report, Jim. Lol. Sounds like you had more interactions with crazy landowners than fish haha. Never a good thing. I’ve had my fair share of less than ideal interactions with landowners while fishing or cutting firewood over the last few years. I try to avoid it now if I can. People are crazy as hell haha.

franklin fisher

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  I haven't been on here for a long time. Great to read one of your posts Jim.  I always have enjoyed them. 

Jim C.

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Thanks, Wayne.  Our "early spring" has sure stalled.  It doesn't look great any time soon.  May need chest waders rather than the usual hip boots for the 4/1 brook opener.  Hopefully we see your browns on here soon!

Jim, You are the “Nutty fisherman” for open water fishing for 13 years .Just kidding !🥶 I always enjoy your posts seeing fish pics and landscapes . Hopefully April brings more fish to the net for you. After an early ice out the last 3 weeks waiting to troll have been painful for me.

Jim C.

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Nice to see you on here again.  Hope to see your posts and pics more often!

  I haven't been on here for a long time. Great to read one of your posts Jim.  I always have enjoyed them.


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The recreational property landscape has changed so much in Maine unfortunately. When I moved onto my camp road 25 years ago it was all mainers.  Now,  three mainers left,  properties being gobbled up since covid and the people buying them don't subscribe to the "can't we all get along" philosophy. Hold the knowledge of permissive trespass  and harrassment of sportsman's in your back pocket as I know you do  Jim.  Some cool photos,  that boat may start a little hard 😜

Jim C.

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Many truths in what you say, Eric.  The remote "work" thing is wrapped around a lot of this, like you say since covid.  I always leave spots cleaner than I find them out of respect.....rarely is that sentiment returned.

The recreational property landscape has changed so much in Maine unfortunately. When I moved onto my camp road 25 years ago it was all mainers.  Now,  three mainers left,  properties being gobbled up since covid and the people buying them don't subscribe to the "can't we all get along" philosophy. Hold the knowledge of permissive trespass  and harrassment of sportsman's in your back pocket as I know you do  Jim.  Some cool photos,  that boat may start a little hard 😜


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Great report! That first brown trout is an awesome fish, definitely has been in the lake or river (my guess is lake?) a while judging by the silver/chromed up color on it, and way to salvage March!

We have a lot in common; good coffee & strong IPAs!  8)

I did not fish at all in March unfortunately but got out today (now yesterday) at least, was a success too. 

and that video...  :laugh:

Jim C.

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Thanks, Randall.  I think we have more in common than beverages :laugh:

The first brown is a river fish, and the 2nd one a lake fish.

Congrats on getting on the board for April.  I did as well.  Actually found some 48* brook water :o

Great report! That first brown trout is an awesome fish, definitely has been in the lake or river (my guess is lake?) a while judging by the silver/chromed up color on it, and way to salvage March!

We have a lot in common; good coffee & strong IPAs!  8)

I did not fish at all in March unfortunately but got out today (now yesterday) at least, was a success too. 

and that video...  :laugh:


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Great report Jim.  Ive had too many of those encounters down here surf casting.  It surprises me to hear you are dealing with the same up there.  We have some decent trout ponds here in CT and Ive found land owners to ve particulalry cruel if I put on waders and walk in the water around the permimeter.  What can a guy do.

I hope the rest of your season goes well with less human intervention.

Jim C.

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Thanks, Jon.

I was visiting family in southern CT recently and drove through your area on the way to another gathering (non-fishing) in the Hudson Valley.  You have some nice looking water in northern CT.

Great report Jim.  Ive had too many of those encounters down here surf casting.  It surprises me to hear you are dealing with the same up there.  We have some decent trout ponds here in CT and Ive found land owners to ve particulalry cruel if I put on waders and walk in the water around the permimeter.  What can a guy do.

I hope the rest of your season goes well with less human intervention.


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You're welcome, and yes I cant complain.  The houstatonic near me is a bit of a sleeper fishery for smallmouth south of me and north the trout fishing is solid.  Less development than the farmington which is nice.


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Jim, I don't get onto these sites as much as I used to, but I've always looked forward to seeing your posts when I do. I'm glad you kept your 13 year streak going with that March Brown. Good luck over the next few months, I'll be looking for your next post. 


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