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Author Topic: Amazon Catfish. Monsterous Wonders  (Read 2447 times)


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Amazon Catfish. Monsterous Wonders
« on: Apr 30, 2004, 03:42 PM »
Amazon Catfish have always intrigued me. The basin has more than 200 species of catfish.
It's hard to picture a river that at it's mouth has 11 times the water of the Mississippi, and 55 times the water of the Colorado. Most of the fishing is done in the smaller tributaries, though these are massive rivers as well.
The piraiba is the king daddy of the pack. Known to reach weights of 660 pounds, it is considered one of the most powerful fish in the world. Tales angling for it says it puts the biggest marlin to shame. Fish from 100 - 300 pounds are common. It spends most of it's time in deep, swirling water just off the main current where it eats anything dead or alive. In fact, tales of it eating children have been circulated.
The Jau, the next largest, can reach a weight of 300 pounds. They seem to live in similiar environments as piraiba, with the exception that they supposedly like slower water.
There are two other cats that can exceed 100 pounds in the basin, the redtail and dourada. The redtail is similiar in size and habit to our flatheads, in that they like slower water with a lot of cover in which they lie to ambush prey. The dourada is similiar in color and habit to the piraiba.
There are dozens of other cats that can get into 50 - 60 pound range. Some of them are the most brilliantly colored cats I have ever seen, with oranges, purples, fluorescent blues, and pink even.
I have heard the trip is only for the strong because the bugs can be next to unbearable. I heard that wild bill skinner, a bass guide to mexico's giant bass lakes, is the best guide to arrange the trip.



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