MyFishFinder By Species > Catfish

Going On sunday


Going Catfishing on sunday in the colorado river around fruita.

Water is pretty murky, only about 6" of visibility.

I will tell you guys how good I do

Trophy Hunter639:
Must be nice here in manitoba our cats are still ice cubes. ;D ;D Good luck :)

I will be going out sunday also. I will be shooting the afternoon with my digital camera and hope to have a pictoral review of the day to put up on the web for inspection. Hope there bitin!!!!!

broken rod:
so how did you guys do ;D

Strange day,  got on the river at 1:30 pm fished at this spot for 2 hours and got 1 channel cat. This fish looked like it had just woke up from a long hibernation it was skinny and pale not in good condition at all. There was a terrible wind blowing and some sort of front approaching. I have gone to this spot and landed 25 big 24-29"ers in 4 hours before so i may just have hit the spot at the wrong time. It's usually fool proof! After I hesded down river to try for a last day walleye and got skunked as well. I keep thinking it was the weird wind!


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