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Author Topic: the Chase  (Read 24789 times)


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #15 on: Sep 12, 2006, 09:35 PM »
Good ol boy means one of us to me lol. Didn't know it had regional implications :P

well you learn something new everyday dont ya ;)

CNY Farmer

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Re: the Chase
« Reply #16 on: Sep 15, 2006, 06:58 PM »
Great Gordo starts second Sunday :wacko: 
Maybe  Harvick will give Kurt or Ryan a $100.00 too spin him out in the first couple of laps :w00t: ;D
I don't know Happy Harvick is on a roll they better look out.!!!!
I'd rather be fishing instead of milking!!!!

esox slayer

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Re: the Chase
« Reply #17 on: Sep 17, 2006, 12:50 PM »
Well...young Shrub made it all the way to lap number 3 before finding trouble with that weapon Jeff Green....guess shrub has some front and right side damage...too bad......
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esox slayer

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Re: the Chase
« Reply #18 on: Sep 17, 2006, 04:05 PM »
Well...Shrub took a good dump today..and Jimmie Johnson continues his downward spiral...just like he does every year....

Talladega's gonna be the turning point for Harvick, I think by the end of that race he'll be an "also ran"....just a hunch...Esox
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Re: the Chase
« Reply #19 on: Sep 17, 2006, 04:27 PM »
Great Gordo starts second Sunday :wacko: 
Maybe  Harvick will give Kurt or Ryan a $100.00 too spin him out in the first couple of laps :w00t: ;D
I don't know Happy Harvick is on a roll they better look out.!!!!

well, happy got his help today, not from kurt or ryan but from jeff's teamate :-\ even after vickers was told to move over and not give jeff a fight for position he didnt, i know he is leaving hendrick after this year, but as a future teamate, you cant be happy with him, he is no where near the chase, his teamate that is in is much faster than him, closing from over a few seconds back and he still doesnt let him go ??? i would expect that from a teamate of harvicks, but not gordons own teamate, i agree with the commentators, i think vickers is going to have a special conference come monday :tipup: gordon was the fastest car on the track, if he could have gotten in front of harvick befoire the caution he would have had the win :-\ but harvick had a great restart and tony was on fresher tires, what are you going to do ??? to bad for jimmy and busch, but somebody has to have a bad day on the first race for the chase, just glad it wasnt gordon :tipup:


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #20 on: Sep 18, 2006, 02:41 PM »
OH MY, that was awesome when Vickers was holding Jeff up!!! :whistling: I couldn't believe flame-boy didn't spin him out, teammate or naught. :cookoo: That whole incident just Brought Vickers even higher in my esteem. :thumbup_smilie: Even Flame-boys teammates don't like him, LMAO. I guess Vickers would know that everyone is required to move over if JG is anywhere near them, if he ran up front more often. :-[

Go Happy GO. I am really impressed with RCR and the turnaround they have made. :clapping: Harvick and Burton have my vote for the Championchip, but only for Burton if he wins a race. :-\

Schrub gave it to me up the backside for sure on Sunday, guess that is what I get for going with a Hendricks car. :'( :-[

Dover this weekend, another snoozer. :sleep1:

Mike 8)


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #21 on: Sep 18, 2006, 02:47 PM »
OH MY, that was awesome when Vickers was holding Jeff up!!! :whistling: I couldn't believe flame-boy didn't spin him out, teammate or naught. :cookoo: That whole incident just Brought Vickers even higher in my esteem. :thumbup_smilie: Even Flame-boys teammates don't like him, LMAO. I guess Vickers would know that everyone is required to move over if JG is anywhere near them, if he ran up front more often. :-[

Don't be surprised next year to his Toyota in the wall everytime the 24 comes up behind him ;)

Vickers went way down in my book, not even tony stewart was holding up chase drivers, much less teamates, maybe Brian is just jealous because he is the only Hendrick car not in the chase and without a win in his career :tipup: I'm not just saying that as a Gordon fan, that is just ignorant, Gordon was faster, Gordon is in the chase, he disobeyed his owner and crew chief by battling with Gordon, i know he is hungry for a win, but if your a Toyota driver next year, do you really want that crap going on in your stable ???


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #22 on: Sep 18, 2006, 03:23 PM »
Of course Vickers went down in your book, but how far can that be? Vickers was and still the #4 horse in a 4 horse stable, how much worse can it get? :-\ If you aren't fast enough to pass, then you aren't fast enough, quit crying. :'( ;D OK, I know that passing is very difficult and Vickers should have moved over for JG, but isn't it about keeping everyone else behind you, even if they are faster? I really can't stand team racing, just another example of the movement towards F1 and Indy car style racing, boring. Harry Hyde said it best, "who's pit are you gonna be in come the end of the race?" (or something like that)


PS I understand your position, and I would prolly have the same feelings if Newman held up Rusty.


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #23 on: Sep 18, 2006, 03:34 PM »
its not the fact that they are teamates as much as the fact Vickers is an unproven driver with 0 wins and no where near the chase with a faster car behind him that is in the chase, hell even Tony Stewart was moving over for chase drivers, heck, Gordon didnt even fight Stewart hard for position because Stewart was faster and Gordon let him go and Gordon is in the chase and Tony isnt ??? the fact that Vickers did this to a teamate should take him down in everyones book, i would feel the same way if Truex did it to JR etc... its almost like Terry Glenn slapping a TD reception out of Owen's hands because Bledsoe throws to TO more than Glenn >:(


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #24 on: Sep 18, 2006, 03:39 PM »
Not true, Gordon's team is all in his pits. Gordon and Vickers are in the same division. :-\

AND, I wouldn't put it past either one of those yahoos, (Glenn and Owens) it would get them more TV time. >:(



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Re: the Chase
« Reply #25 on: Sep 18, 2006, 03:48 PM »
Not true, Gordon's team is all in his pits. Gordon and Vickers are in the same division. :-\

AND, I wouldn't put it past either one of those yahoos, (Glenn and Owens) it would get them more TV time. >:(


i totally disagree with the first statement, teams help each other all the time, i would expect that crap from Busch, heck i would expect it from either Busch or Johnson now that its the chase, but not from the teamate that isnt in the chase, and even if your right that your "team" is in the pits, why didnt Vickers listen to his car owner or his crew chief when they said to let Gordon pass and not to hold him up because he was faster and could get the leader and pass for the win, when Vickers knew he couldnt do it? is he Harvicks teamate next year? sure seems like it, he isnt a teamate to the Hendrick cars, and isnt a teamate ignoring his crew and car owner :tipup: how long before Waltrip spins him out next year ???

and the TO, Glenn statement :rotflol: could you see the look on Parcells or Jones if that happened :w00t:


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #26 on: Sep 18, 2006, 04:07 PM »
If you have to put the screws to me, I would say that he has had enough of being 4th fiddle. I am just speculating and I see why you are mad, I am just on the other side of your argument as usual.



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Re: the Chase
« Reply #27 on: Sep 18, 2006, 04:58 PM »
If you have to put the screws to me, I would say that he has had enough of being 4th fiddle. I am just speculating and I see why you are mad, I am just on the other side of your argument as usual.


true, but he put himself 4th fiddle, if it wasn't for Ricky, he wouldn't even be a Nextel fiddle ???
but like the commentators were saying, I'm sure he was in a nice closed door meeting today, he may need a hemorrhoid pillow this weekend :tipup:

and i don't think you are on the other side of the argument as me, i think you totally agree with me, you just wont admit it because it happened to Gordon, like i said, if Truex did that to JR, Truex would be getting death threats, just goes to show peoples sportsmanship, a Gordon fan would think that was wrong no matter what, people that hate Gordon think its great, as long as it just happens to Gordon ??? but don't worry, all you anti Gordon fans make us happy, you don't see fans booing anyone else like Gordon, he is in a class by himself ;) ;D


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #28 on: Sep 19, 2006, 06:07 AM »
true, but he put himself 4th fiddle, if it wasn't for Ricky, he wouldn't even be a Nextel fiddle ???

Totally untrue. Vickers is a Busch series champion. You don't need to even win a Busch series race anymore to get a Nextel cup ride. Vickers is better than half the field. I believe when he is given #1 status and all the support that goes along with that, he will be a Chaser. I don't think that is going to happen next year, but it will only take 2 or 3. :tipup:

and i don't think you are on the other side of the argument as me, i think you totally agree with me, you just wont admit it because it happened to Gordon, like i said, if Truex did that to JR, Truex would be getting death threats, just goes to show peoples sportsmanship, a Gordon fan would think that was wrong no matter what, people that hate Gordon think its great, as long as it just happens to Gordon ??? but don't worry, all you anti Gordon fans make us happy, you don't see fans booing anyone else like Gordon, he is in a class by himself ;) ;D

I see and hear fans booing lots of people, JR included. Dale Sr got just as many booes as Gordon does. Kurt Busch gets booed, JJ was getting booed during his prerace interview on Sunday. If you are good and consistantly win, you will get booed, the way it is. :'( ;D

Mike 8)


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Re: the Chase
« Reply #29 on: Sep 19, 2006, 07:01 AM »
Bottom line?....Team racing sucks...especially when it comes down to the crunch (Chase for the Championship). If I was Vickers, I wouldnt have moved over either. As far as Stewart letting faster cars go by?...seems to me he finished 2nd!!! whatever happened to a little bit of blocking to protect your position? The 25 car could have contended for a win. Annnnnnnnd....the 29 and 31 cars had an unfair advantage which has since been closed....sounds like a Berrier version of bleeder valves with the trick slotted rims to keep the tire pressures down.... ;D ;D  Grump


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