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My Fish Finder Main => General Fishing Discussion => Topic started by: Little Brown Dog on Jun 12, 2006, 10:17 AM

Title: Close Call
Post by: Little Brown Dog on Jun 12, 2006, 10:17 AM
Almost got taken out yesterday while doing some trolling for trout.  Guy in a bowrider had four young girls standing in the front waving to everyone as they passed.  I watched him get closer, thinking that he was going to pass close down the port side.  He then turns right at me and comes full speed.  I couldn't see the driver because the girls were standing right in his view, and they were just laughing and waving.  I knew I had to do something quick or he was going to hit me.  I gave it full throttle and just got out of the way, yelling as he went by.   Next thing I hear is the sound of my trolling rods emptying line.  I keep yelling STOP STOP STOP!!!   SNAP!!!  there goes the lead core...spooled.  He finally stops and unhooks the other line from his bow and takes off.

Son of a...

I was upset, he didn't even stop...  I reeled in the line, frayed pretty bad, put the rods away and watched the guy keep cruising around the lake.  He started back up the other side, so I decided that I needed to have a chat with him.  I motored over to where he was headded and cut him off.  I flagged him down and he came over.  I really had to bite my toung and not swear in front of the little girls.

I asked if he know that the law states you have to remain at least 200 feet from other boats.  I then told him how luckey he was that I got out of the way.  He could have killed me and the four girls that were standing in the front of the boat.  He said he'd been boating on that lake for 20 years and never had a problem...  OK, So What, you just about killed me!!!  I told him he could have stopped so I could get the rest of my gear off of his boat.  He says there is no line on the boat.  I told him to raise his lower unit and we'll just see.  Sure enough, there was my lead core, trashed,  still dragging behind.  No leader or lure.

He then offered to pay for the gear that I lost, I think the people in his boat were paying guests and he wanted to get out of there.

I'm now waiting for the check, but I also know who he is and where he lives incase the money dosen't arrive.

It wasn't until after that I realized how close it was.  One of my lines got caught on his bow, meaning that he went between where the line leaves the rod to where it goes in the water.   Dam that was close.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: carpcatcher on Jun 12, 2006, 10:32 AM
Dang, that would be enough to give you little brown spots in your short's.  :o Glad you weren't hurt and don't hold your breath for the money.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Slimechaser on Jun 12, 2006, 10:34 AM
Thank God you had a cool enough head to get out of the way!!
20 years and no problems my arse!
He's darn lucky that lead core didn't go OVER the bow, that would have been very ugly indeed!
Then he could have put that "20 years" on his head stone!
Again Thank God YOU know what your doing!
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: OTIS on Jun 12, 2006, 10:39 AM
Should have got his numbers and called the police.  Don't take this kind of crap from these mentally challenged individuals.  The more you let them get away with the more problem's you will have in the future.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: buzzbomb on Jun 12, 2006, 10:41 AM
Glad you weren't hurt and don't hold your breath for the money.
If he doesn't pay just post his name and address on the forum and maybe he'll change his mind.  You never know......
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: walleye1 on Jun 12, 2006, 10:49 AM
Glad you're ok LBD. That sounds freakin hairy!
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Little Brown Dog on Jun 12, 2006, 10:53 AM
As it happened it wasn't scary, because it went slo-motion, but thinking about how close it was it what gets me.

I have friends with badges and sidearms, so I can always bring them for a visit if the money dosen't show by tomorrow.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Pikeguy on Jun 12, 2006, 10:55 AM
Jebus some people are stupid!  >:(
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: adkRoy on Jun 12, 2006, 11:05 AM
I hope you took pictures of your damaged equipment. If no money arrives then prosecute.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Bartman44 on Jun 12, 2006, 11:37 AM
Glad you're OK.  Unfortunately, there are many people that don't have a clue about boating and you have to constanty keep your guard up for them, especially during tourist season.  It can even happen in the off-season too.  My friend was run over in almost the same type of circumstance to yours in October one year where they guy's vision was blocked because the boat bow was riding high. My friend's boat was anchored and the other guy kept bearing down on him as he was run over in disbelief. My friend was chopped up by the prop and took 51 stiches to his leg. He was wearing a vest, otherwise he'd probably have died.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: walleyechaser on Jun 12, 2006, 11:58 AM
Good thing he only ruined your lines and lures.

I got hit by a sailboat in broad daylight while I was anchored.  The dip$hit in the sailboat said he has the right of way because he wasn't powered.   So I guess I'm supposed to hurry up and pull my anchor and get out of his way.

thats like hitting a parked car and saying the car should have moved because you have the right of way.
I now carry a flare gun for this sort of thing.  They get too close and they are getting a flare to the head.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: walleyechaser on Jun 12, 2006, 02:26 PM
If I'm not mistaken, and I remember my safe-boating course correctly, a fishing boat with lines out actually has the right of way.  Even over a sailboat!

I could be wrong, but I don't think so.


either way I think the anchored craft isn't supposed to be hit by a moving craft.  Just like hitting a parked car.
Some people are just dumb as rocks.

I'll look into that one.  You are probably right.  Regardless of what type of boat you are or if you are moving or not there is a set distance you have to stay away from other boats.    Maybe our useless Marine Patrol should go out on the water a little more and enforce the law.
Get their fat a$$es out of the donut shop.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: vancouvercanuck on Jun 12, 2006, 02:36 PM
Glad you are ok. Those are some scary times, and I have seen this sort of thing happen way to often.

So in other words a container ship that is anchored in harbor waiting to offload has to pull up anchor and move if a sailboat comes his way? Don't think so.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: ol crawdad on Jun 12, 2006, 02:46 PM
geez dude, glad you are ok!  personally, I would get his check, then go see the local authorities.  even if they don't prosecute for reckless driving, they can maybe make the fool understand reckless boat handling will not be tolerated...
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: dachmation on Jun 12, 2006, 02:46 PM
I believe that states"When both are underway"
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: MikeThePike on Jun 12, 2006, 02:49 PM
If I'm not mistaken in NJ you are required to take a boating vourse for use in freshwater. It may have just been a preposial but I know I heard of it. When I took my safety course about 10 years ago it was a 6 week deal, 2 nights a week. Now they compressed the course to 4-5 hours and only require you to learn the bare minimums. Most guys will pay the $60, learn the bare minimums and walk out knowing 2 or 3 thiungs they didn't know walking in.

9 times outta 10, the guys causing the problems, such as this idiot, could care less about the law, safety, or anyone elses. I know its illegal to have people in the bow of the boat in just about everywhere, while you are under power. It creates distractions, restricts vision, and puts anyone on the water in danger. I'd have gotten his registration info and quickly called the cops and see how they handle it.

This is exactly why I avoid big lakes over the summer. When I go out it'll be after dark and my defense kit will be some fireworks, if you can't see a 2" mortar coming towards you and then going off right in front of you then you better have a d**n good lawyer.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: walleyechaser on Jun 12, 2006, 02:57 PM
fireworks seems like a good idea.  My flare gun will probably have the same effect. 
No sense calling the cops here in Michigan the Marine Patrol will just come out and do a safety check on your boat.
They are too lazy to chase down a speed boat or jet ski and catch the real wrongdoers.  I've had it happen to me when we got hit by a drunk in a speedboat.  If we weren't in my buddies pontoon I would be dead.
The sheriff just came out and counted our life jackets.  Meanwhile the speedboat was parked at an island 100 yards away drinking and partying it up.  Sheriff didn't even go over there.

don't get me wrong I respect all law enforcement except the sheriff's Marine patrol.  What a waste of taxpayer money they are.
Next time something like that happens I'm calling the DNR hopefully they will actually do something.  If they don't I'll be the water vigilante.

Anyone ever see Missing In Action?  That'll be me popping up out of the water with a machine gun.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: hunter13 on Jun 12, 2006, 03:49 PM
sounds like what happened to my father a few years back but not as close of a call but my father did lose his leadcore line  LBD is this on the lake where i fish alot

Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: buzzbomb on Jun 12, 2006, 05:09 PM
I know I can't post a picture of the back of four girls in bikinis waving on here ,
but it is what the guy was looking at, so it is relevant...... no, I just can't do it.   :-\
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: fishercat on Jun 12, 2006, 05:37 PM

            Glad you are ok.

                 You did not say where.  Where you at Bomo.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: oldken on Jun 12, 2006, 07:52 PM
had acharter boat come up behind me while trooling on the oswego river. came within 25 or 30 feet of my boat cut all our lines and just turned out and went by laughing. always hoped he got enough line in his lower unit to ruin it old ken
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Eye Hunter on Jun 12, 2006, 08:42 PM
Glad to hear you're ok, Had a close one a few years back with a jet ski, ran over my planer board, but that was intentional. now I will cary a paintball gun whenever the planer boards are out.  ;D
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Out4Trout on Jun 12, 2006, 09:40 PM
When that sort of thing happens, you don't always realize how serious it was until a few hours later. Had a close call on a motorcycle once. I shook it off at first, but wanted to rip the guys head off that night.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: bigdave1018 on Jun 13, 2006, 05:13 AM
same thing happened on port bay a few years back. a small rowboat right around dark was anchored fishing. this bass buster, i gotta go 60 mph to get to my fishing spot, ran the boat over and un believably no one got killed. the small boat had no lights and was blue in color but even so the big boat was going toooooooo fast and wasnt paying attention. if you believe in a higher power, He was looking out over the water that night. and no, people who own boats think they own the water, not all but some do :-[.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Little Brown Dog on Jun 13, 2006, 06:27 AM
Hunter13, Yes it was on the lake where you fish a lot and in fact it was the landowner where you brought your shanty out onto the ice last winter.  I was near the horse camp swim area, headded south.

Fisher, this happened on the lake south of there.

Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Reel Wet Ride on Jun 13, 2006, 09:23 AM
I'm glad you escaped the incident without to much damage. I just can't believe how dumb people get when they get onto the water. Its like common sense goes out the window and some sort of dumba$$ intellegence takes over. I had things like this happen to me more than a few times. Suprisingly enough more so with sailboats than anything else. But there are also the guys in the big boats that find the need to power up and run at 30mph 50 feet from my boat, and thats when I'm in my 12' aluminum.  And I just love it when I'm anchored up and someone finds the need to get with-in my casting zone, needless to say, I've put a few jigs in other people bows....and I agree about the Michigan Marine Patrol or Coast Guard,  you call them for help, then they end up trying to prosicute you for everything they can.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Water Wolf on Jun 13, 2006, 02:10 PM
Wow, Little Brown Dog lucky it was just the lines that were cut, very dangerous situation indeed. :nono:
Glad you are OK.

Here in Canada you have to take a boating exam before operating water craft. This started due to the high number of boating accidents. It has helped some but you still get the odd person like you described that can ruin a nice day for you.

I usually fish with just a trolling motor and have had quite a few boaters and jet skiers just rip by me, I have to turn quickly as I can into the wave with the little trolling motor or get swamped.
Why when they have the hole lake do they have to come ripping by when they know you are quietly fishing? I think it is just to be nosey. :P

I have also had a few folks that were fishing come at a fair clip up to my area but then slowly chug by. It's nice to see that sort of thing when a fair number don't care how they drive.

Stay safe everyone and watch out for the show-offs. ::)

Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Big Burk on Jun 13, 2006, 11:14 PM
on my last ice fishing trip i was sitting on a green pail close to a ice shanty, i was wearing highly visible colors, broad day light and this moron came flying 10ft away from me almost hit me and he hit my clearly marked tip-up, he was doing at least 65mph. then he came by the other side 5 min. later, then again 5 min. later after that i was pi$$ed and i heard him coming so i made a dozen or two slushballs and winged one at him when he came by, he tried to go by again and i got him right in the chest, came and was mad as hell at me then i start to scream a few foul words at him, he said he would kick my a$$ and by now i was really pi$$ed off and this cocky little ba$tard was 5'8 or so and about 125lbs prolly and he was at least 17 and im 6'1 165lbs of solid muscle (due to school sports and x-treme sports ;D ) long story short he nearly craped his pants when i picked up the ice auger and was heading for the hood of his brand new arctic cat.
later that day the local CO comes over and starts talking with me about the fishing and if anyone was speeding around on an arctic cat. i told him that he ran over my tip-up, nearly hit me so after a few min of talking about the weather, the fishing, ect. he heads off when he sees this guy 400 yards away. saw the same guy on the arctic cat the next day. man was that a well rehearsed apology and he stayed away from other fisherman and slowed down. next time a CO talks to you get on his good side a.s.a.p. it worked for me ;D

in the summer we fish from a dock and most people move out or slow down but you get the odd person mostly on jetskis and speedboats that are just plain retarded and move in a speed up. i have really good aim with my casts now ::)
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Little Brown Dog on Jun 16, 2006, 12:57 PM
Well, I guess not losing my temper paid off.  Not only did I get a check for the stuff that got ruined, but I also got a letter of apology.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: pinche on Jun 16, 2006, 01:01 PM
A stand up guy true to his word?

great to hear congrats!!!! :thumbup_smilie:
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Pikeguy on Jun 16, 2006, 01:04 PM
Well, I guess not losing my temper paid off.  Not only did I get a check for the stuff that got ruined, but I also got a letter of apology.

Awesome! Good for you LBD  ;)
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: adkRoy on Jun 16, 2006, 01:07 PM
Big burk, This winter my brother not only had his tip-up run over by a snowmobiler, It turned out that the snowmobilier was the ECO on patrol. :pinch:
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: ol crawdad on Jun 16, 2006, 01:25 PM
Well, I guess not losing my temper paid off.  Not only did I get a check for the stuff that got ruined, but I also got a letter of apology.
Glad somebody took responsibility for their actions.  Sounds like someone who will learn from their mistake and be more careful next time.
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: devil-man on Jun 16, 2006, 01:46 PM
I'm glad it all worked out, LBD.
I still want to see the picture of what he was looking at!  :evil:
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: GAMBELL on Jun 16, 2006, 01:49 PM
I had something like this happen but not that close.  I had a guy go around my plannerboard and get a line with his prop.  I followed him to his dock and talked with him.  He was a real jerk about it.  He pulled up his lower unit and I got my lure back. The best part was my line got into the prop seal of his motor and it was leaking gear oil. 
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: buzzbomb on Jun 17, 2006, 08:04 AM
Good for you LBD! :clapping:
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: GAMBELL on Jun 17, 2006, 05:14 PM
Did the check clear?
Title: Re: Close Call
Post by: Ice Dawg on Jun 19, 2006, 08:57 AM
When I lived in Colorado my wife and I were trolling about 100 feet from shore and I think the law said no one could be less than 150 feet from shore unless fishing on that lake. There was a sailboat regatta or whatever you call them gong on and the skipper of a sailboat said to move because he wanted to go closer to shore while making a turn. I told him that if he got tangled on our lines I would reel him in and punch his lights out. He turned early. :evil: