MyFishFinder Forum

MyFishFinder Tips and Techniques => Fishing Equipment => Topic started by: bassjunky on Mar 07, 2011, 09:28 PM

Title: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 07, 2011, 09:28 PM
Spring is not even here yet and I have already made three on-line orders for new toys and tackle

My first order to arrive was from This was my first ever order with then and I was super happy witht eh customer service. I had a few questions about my order, shipping and tracking, they not only respoded via email but called me as well. The shipping was slow, but in the off season I dont mind it

I loaded up with som new wacky rig gear,

I started off my adding to old faithful, these hooks are awesome, i get em early cause they sell out quick


then onto some newwe gear, these Lake fork weight systems seemed strange but I cant wait to try them. The hard metal o ring will not fit every worm but wokred on the 2 i tried from my collection



Another new weighted wacky hook by Falcon lures caught my eye. for wacky rigs I like to fish weedless and these do that and add some extra wieght



Cant ever get enough "0" rings so I bulked up a bit


Then on to my next addiction.. worms, iu love to try new worm baits and have a draw of unusable worms to prove that point. From land big fish I found 2 worms I have yet to try

Megastrilke, hearing some good things so I grabbed a few packs


Cold Steel I have never heard of, but they had my color so I grabbed a few


I bought a pack of these last season and really liked them, had not seen the worm since.


Then I switched directions and grabbed some kreature and craw baits

another megastrike product, i liked the look of these


Title: Re: BassJunlky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 07, 2011, 09:30 PM
I popped into a local shop this past weekend to check in on their assortment of Bass magnet lures. I bought the tubzilla from them last season and I reallyliked it. So I bought some worms and a craw this year to test out


Title: Re: BassJunlky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: rgfixit on Mar 08, 2011, 02:21 AM
I recently tossed out several pounds of plastics from my bass addict days. I needed the boxes for my fly tying stuff. Other than crappie, I haven't used plastics in years. I still have a half ton of jigs, weedless weighted hooks, slip sinkers and other assorted stuff not to mention a closet full of crank baits :-\, spinner baits, topwater baits and plugs.......... and bass rods. I should have a garage sale :-\


Title: Re: BassJunlky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: arcticcatz on Mar 08, 2011, 09:22 AM
Looks good, I know I'm ready for soft water!
Title: Re: BassJunlky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 08, 2011, 09:17 PM
i grabbed this on my lunch break today, i really love the excalibur series of topwater baits, great action and color

Title: Re: BassJunlky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 09, 2011, 05:22 PM
Nothing makes me happier then seeing this box sitting next to my mailbox when I get home from work...


This is my first tacklewarehouse order of the season, I say first since the second order has already been palced and shipped. This was a small order just to grba the standards and a few hot new items I wanted to try out this season.

Starting with the standards, I fell in love with Black Angle Jigs last season, placed two orders for them and two more this season, grat jigs, with second to none quality and color options, plus that cool tail... I dont know why I give this info away but here they are..



Then I have been building up an arsenal of Live target lures, but one I could not find in my area was the new wake bait, saw it on the TW site and had to have it, this thing is huge,  and in typical Live Target fashion it is immaculate.


Now for the wierd one, I was not sure about this, it felt kinds gimmicky but i pulled the trigger and Im kinda regretting it. This River2sea frog looked cool on the site, but feels kinda budget in the hand. I will give it a test run this summer but for now Im a little worried




Title: Re: BassJunlky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 12, 2011, 03:49 PM
Small purchase today while at Gagnons in Oshawa,

I have been looking for a small bait to add to my finesse jigs, came across the NetBait "Tiny Paca Chunk", i think these will be perfect..


Also came across this trailer by MizMo, looks like something I saw recently and thought I would give it a shot.


Last but not least, more weighted wacky hooks, these ones are tru tungsten

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 16, 2011, 05:11 PM
Well order #2 from LandBigFish arrived today. This one was much faster then my initial order. I dont know if they upped the shipping due to a higher value item or if it was jsut the luck of the draw.

This was a smaller order only 3 things, but each one important.

Being that this will be a season full of tournaments for me, i decieded to upgrade my old scale. I picked up the new rapala tournment scale that saves 8 weights (with a culling system) and has touch screen and total weight features, a huge step forward for the same price I paid for my old scale just two years ago, check this guy out...


The scale came with 8 culling tags and a carrying bag. The bag has waterproof directions for the scale sewn into it, nice touch Rapala

As a topwater junky i wanted to add some new top water baits to my arsenal this season. This is the first of a few baits I have purchased already, it is a Bill Lewis spitfire plug. I love the extra lip on this bait, i think it will be a dominent popper this season. rattles, tail feather and a red hook, this thing is dressed up and ready to play


Last but not least I saw this Bed bug and I was back and forth on it, half of my mind was saying gimmick, the other half was saying "COOL". The cool side won out, so here it is the bed bug.



Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: Water Wolf on Mar 22, 2011, 06:24 PM
Neat purchases BassJunky, they all look interesting. :)

I am also interested in the River2Sea diving frog and I think it would be a hit for the pike around here, but have not seen any around, did you get them from tackle werehouse?

I like all of Koppers lures and think they are the best in imitating nature.
I purchased a perch crank and craw trap last fall and will try it this year.
I think those 2 floating frogs types will be interesting also.
I hope this company comes up with a pike and walleye looking lure, I would defiantly go for one of those. ;D

I see your main color you look for in a soft plastic is black / purple and natural shades, neat, they usually show up in most water types.

Not sure what I will go for yet this season, but I do like the look and sound of the Rapala clackin' minnow and crank, and I should be able to find them in this area sometime this summer.

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 22, 2011, 06:45 PM
Yes, i purchased the frog from tackle warehouse but it is also available at landbigfish.

if you are fishing pike, i would be leary of the legs on this bait, may only last for one fish
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: TheDL on Mar 25, 2011, 03:23 PM
bassjunky - nice buys, i don't really understand how that "metal piece" on the gamakatsu weedless finess hook is supposed to work though?  do you bend it down?  looks wierd.

I can see that you love wacky rigging - I'm a texas rigger, never tried wacky rigging.  You have most success with wacky then, or are you switching it up for difference presentations?  Are you veritcal jigging with that wacky rig, or just pulling it along structure?

I don't know if I have enough room in my photo bucket account for all the stuff I bought last weekend at bass pro shops.  First time there, spring sale - needless to say I got a little carried away with the lures, and had to buy 3 new plano trays :o
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 25, 2011, 06:50 PM
I wacky worm 90% of the situations in which you would regularly throw a worm, i just get a better feel for it. I usually pull around structure would also vertical jig,

And yes you are right that piece of plastic on the gama hooks bends down over the point to make it weedless
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Mar 26, 2011, 04:30 PM
If you add it all up, one of the biggest purchases I have made in the off season it a collection of Live Target lures I bought. I have had one of there perch lures for a couple years, and this off season I decided to pick a one or two up a month, to help lessen the burden, at $12 a piece these things should be kept in a vault.

anyways here is the selection i picked up, I have been staying with bait that is available in the lakes I fish, so crawfish, perch and gills.

Here are the craws..


I also tried a lipless crank, Im not a huge fan of lipless cranks but decided to add one to my line-up, i really like the profile and weight if this one. should be easy to throw


As for perch, I have 2, one is a jumbo that only dives down to 2ft, the other is a smaller one great for ripping, and will dive 4-6ft


When it came to gills, I bought 4 sizes, the first 3 are all standard cranks and and just slightly increase or decrease in size, and diving depth.


the 4th one is the wakebait, already shown above, here are two more pics, one of it alone and one of it with the rest of the cranks to show size



I have also ordered 4 frog baits, still waiting for them to arrive, pics to follow

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: TheDL on Mar 26, 2011, 08:37 PM
bassjunky - keep them pics comin'

never tried the live target baits, they look good though, I think it's the price tag that's keeping me away. 
I can see the addiction is strong in you too eh?  So, what do you think we'd do if there were no more fish to chase?  Rehab?   :laugh:
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Apr 04, 2011, 03:30 PM
My latest order from Tacklewarehouse arrived today, it was filled with a wide mix of goodies, from terminal tackle to jigs, to plastics.. check these out...

VMC Barbarian tube hooks. I have never tried tube rigging this way, but looked like a cool concept so i wanted to give it a shot



adding to my wacky aresenal I picked up some Kaiser 3D jog heads (or should I say eyes). These things look ultra cook, and the eyes are a perfect weight for the wacky rig. I bought them in red and in that yellowish dead eye color


I was running low on Tube jigs after last season and although these are shorter then Im use to, I grabbed up a bunch. They are made with a quality Gamakatsu hook


Adding again to my jig arsenal I picked up both some flipping and swimming jigs by Black Angel


To go with the jigs I grabbed a few trailers that I had never seen befor. I like the trailers on the smaller side so most of these are failry short

Culprit makes this one, since mose the other colors were sold out, i figured they were popular, so I bought what I could


This next one is from Conquistador tackle company out of AZ, the bait is a finesse Pro Mini-Craw. I liked the look and color options so I pcicked up a few packs


this last trailer is a Don Ionvino hand poured trailer. They are smaller in size as you can see, but it one that I am very excited to fish this coming season


One of the exciting baits that was released in March was the new Berkely Havoc sereis. Each bait was designed by a touring pro, I picked up the Devil Spear by Mike Iaconelli and the Slop craw by Skeet Reese. Both are nice compact baits for fishing heavy cover and slop



Earlier this spring I purchased some of the new Mega Strike plastics, here is the tube from that series. I only picked up one pack, but the tube has a great look and feel to it, and I cant wait to see how it reacts in the water.



This bad boy is the Lake Fork hyper freak, should be a great bait to texas rig and pitch away with. The sent is powerfull and should warn you not to open the pack in enclosed spaces. This bait does look like a freak and with it's heavy paddle tail it will move some water on the drop


Im not much of a swim bait of minnow bait guy, but when I saw the new Owner wounded minnow on Gettin Schoold with JP Derose I was intriqued to see he used it wacky rigged. The motion was cool, and I had to crab some


Last but not least my Live Target frogs finally arrived and as as good as advertised. These babies are awesome. The only problem is, every angler on the water will be throwing one. I stuck with 2 colors but tried both sizes of both frogs



Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: TheDL on Apr 05, 2011, 03:20 PM
BassJunky - how's the shipping/taxes/duty with tackle warehouse or landbigfish?

I have been adding things to my bass pro shops online cart for a few days now - and long story short, thier crappy policies regarding Canadian customers has left a very sour taste in my mouth - after my first trip to the store I loved BPS, after my first attempt at online order I'll never buy from them again  :cursing:
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Apr 05, 2011, 04:15 PM
Both Tacklewarehouse and LandBig fish are great, both will ship USPS if requested and you will never get the nasty UPS Brokerage fee. My last order from Tacklewarhouse I did get a $14 customs fee, but that was on a order of $150 wich is not bad. If it was UPS I would have paid $80

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: Water Wolf on Apr 05, 2011, 06:22 PM
I was looking at Land Big Fish's tackle store order form and I don't see a spot where you can pick what shipping you want.

How do you get Land Big Fish or Tacklewarehouse to ship USPS rather than UPS? Do you just ask them to ship the package that way? ???

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Apr 05, 2011, 06:38 PM
You can ask them to ship a certain way, but Land big fish has always sent my orders USPS. As for Tacklewarehouse they ship USPS for most orders, if you get up over $150 they ship UPS because they require a signature. But for the most part 90% of the time both of them ship USPS
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: Water Wolf on Apr 05, 2011, 11:21 PM
Cool, thanks for the info bassjunky. :)

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: TheDL on Apr 06, 2011, 09:05 AM
bassjunky - thanks for the tip - I'll give 'em a try
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on May 09, 2011, 02:34 PM
looks like I fell behind on my product pics

Check out the weirdest frog I have ever come this is my 4th new frog of the season, this one look a bit different then the others



I also picked up a KVD square bill, there is a lot of hype around this bait, looking forward to using it

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on May 09, 2011, 03:29 PM
I have been loading up on Black Angel jigs, check out the family of jigs..

The Grass bomb, yes this is as big as it looks


Hitman Football Jig


Finesse Jig


Texas Finesse (stronger)


Swim Jig



These two are not Black Angel Jigs, they are buckeye mop jigs, after reading an article in FLW mag I bought up a bunch


Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: Santo180 on May 09, 2011, 03:30 PM
Your screen name kinda says it all huh?
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: perchgypsy on May 09, 2011, 03:32 PM
Your screen name kinda says it all huh?
i was thinki the same thing ....i just never understood why the hooks got to be so big ...nice
collection anyhow
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: Water Wolf on May 19, 2011, 04:24 PM
I purchased both versions of the Live target from this off season, they even surpass the quality of a Spro frog.

the one frog I bought this season that is different is the river2sea from, it is a diver with kicking feet, looks cool, but also could be a gimmick

Have you had a chance to try both the Live target frogs and the River 2 Sea Dahlberg Diver Frog yet?
If so, have they worked for you yet? ???

Hope to get all 3 frogs some time.
I think they would be killer on the pike and bass around here, maybe even the walleye. ;)

I wonder if trout would like them? :-\
I know the trout around here eat frogs from time to time.

Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: TheDL on May 24, 2011, 09:37 AM
Any of you gear heads know where I can buy replacement blades/clevis' for worm harnesses?  I bought this: ( And did really well with the yellows/perch colours, but I've lost all the good colours of blades already and I want to tie up some more.  I DO NOT want to order from basspro again, I was hoping somebody's seen kits/parts around somewhere?
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Jun 07, 2011, 03:16 PM
Bad experience with Bass Pro? I place a couple large orders with them each year and never have issues.. mind sharing?
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Jun 07, 2011, 03:17 PM
New toy..


I find decided it was time to keep the face warm and dry, and my teeth bug free..
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: TheDL on Jun 08, 2011, 10:10 AM
Bad experience with Bass Pro? I place a couple large orders with them each year and never have issues.. mind sharing?
honestly, the character limit on this post will not allow a full explanation, but what it boils down to is one item on a large order was "out of stock" even though their website said "in stock" and throughout the entire ordeal (6 weeks) the status of this item never listed as "low" or "out of stock".  I placed an order for a large trolling rod, reel and a whole bunch of tackle.  The rod was approx 9ft, and caused the shipping to change to air mail, with soem extra fees, etc.  I ended up with about 1/3 of my bill being shipping charges, which was dissappointing but I couldn't find that rod anywhere else, so I went with it.  I waited, and waited, no sign of "shipping confirmation" through website, kept contacting chat support, each time I was told "it's on its way" and each time I talked to them I was told my total was something different.  Well, eventually I received an email saying that the rod was backordered, but the rest of items would ship, so after a few chats with support I waited so more.  I did select the option to "ship when available" if item gets backordered, so I was told the tackle/reel should be there soon, and the rod (which caused the shipping method/cost to skyrocket) would ship soon.  I waited some more and after several more wasted hours contacting support, I was told that the order was cancelled because they don't backorder international items?!  I was told so many variations of this from different people I didn't know what to think.  At one point I got someone quite helpfull on the phone who cancelled the whole order, re-did the order with "price over-ride (no charge)" and no backordered rod, and I actually.....
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: TheDL on Jun 08, 2011, 10:21 AM
...(I told you it's a long story)...recieved the equipment in a few days (no rod).  I was happy to have the tackle, but I wasn't happy to have paid for express air shipping for large item, and not get the rod.  So, back to customer service a few more times - they told me they couldn't ship the rods b/c they were out of stock at the time of order (meanwhile you could still order them from website, no listing of "out of stock").  I eventually got one of the agents to agree to send me a similarly priced rod (cheaper, not nearly as nice) at "no extra cost" since I'd already paid for the 1st rod, and shipping for it.  Well, they sent out the rod and I got it in a few days.  Now comes the terrible part, the credit card bill :o.  I was charged for the original order (including rod I never got and high shipping for it - $70+), I was charged for the "price override" order that actually got me the gear (was supposed to be free since I'd paid for it already), and I was charged AGAIN for the rod that they actually sent (was supposed to be free since I'd paid for a more expensive rod + shipping that I didn't recieve).  I was really upset off, and wasted a lot more time aqrguing about it with them, and finally got a refund on the original order that never shipped.  At this point, I had only paid approximately what I agreed to, so I was "happy".  Then, recently I got a "post card" type of reciept from bass pro shops, no envelope, no item details, just a bill saying that they had charged my credit card X$?!?!  I reviewed all my correspondances with support and discovered that this amount matched the "price override" order amount, so I paid for that twice now!?  ARGH.  Took me about 6 weeks to get the gear, and I paid for it twice as of now - WORST ONLINE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE EVER!  :cursing:
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Jun 08, 2011, 10:27 AM
wow, that sucks.. I have had a back order with them before and was told the same thing.. sorry no international back orders.. would have been nice to have been advised prior to my order shipping without the item in question
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: SwedishPimple on Jun 08, 2011, 10:44 AM
Where do you buy those The Bed Bug plastics?
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Jun 08, 2011, 10:53 AM
Where do you buy those The Bed Bug plastics?

here is the link.. (
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: SwedishPimple on Jun 09, 2011, 06:34 PM
Have you had a chance to use the bed bug yet?  I initially liked what I saw in from your photos but had a different feeling from the video.
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Jun 09, 2011, 06:59 PM
no not yet, bass season is still a few weeks away in my area, i will break in it quick, and see how it does.. what did you not like about it?
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: Fat Boy on Jun 09, 2011, 08:29 PM
New toy..


I find decided it was time to keep the face warm and dry, and my teeth bug free..

Wow, that might be what I need on the Lower Potomac down here!!!!!  I'd fear the fish might get scared away though, LOL.
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Jun 22, 2011, 07:33 AM
Check out these awesome rod gloves that I just picked up. I need somthing cool to protect my new Dobyns rods and they had just the thing. Just in time for opening weekend


Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: smitht7 on Jun 22, 2011, 06:24 PM
Check out these awesome rod gloves that I just picked up. I need somthing cool to protect my new Dobyns rods and they had just the thing. Just in time for opening weekend

Junky indeed!  Now for the million dollar question.......Please please please do not think I am being cute because there is a high level of sincerity here. Can you really catch more bass with all those lures than I can with my 5 or 6 go to baits? Or does it just keep you in the game longer because you will never be without a lure you have not tried yet? I think probably the later.
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: bassjunky on Jun 22, 2011, 09:35 PM
Junky indeed!  Now for the million dollar question.......Please please please do not think I am being cute because there is a high level of sincerity here. Can you really catch more bass with all those lures than I can with my 5 or 6 go to baits? Or does it just keep you in the game longer because you will never be without a lure you have not tried yet? I think probably the later.

how do you find your 5-6 go to lures? you buy them and try them. Like you I have 5 or 6 lures that I use the most, but on some days I will hit the water with a collection of new stuff just to see what else is out there, i love trying new baits/lures, are they always successfull.. nope.. but I have fun doing it
Title: Re: BassJunky adding to my arsenal..2011
Post by: smitht7 on Jun 22, 2011, 10:08 PM
how do you find your 5-6 go to lures? you buy them and try them. Like you I have 5 or 6 lures that I use the most, but on some days I will hit the water with a collection of new stuff just to see what else is out there, i love trying new baits/lures, are they always successfull.. nope.. but I have fun doing it
    I totally agree. Trial and error has gotten me a rather small tackle box 8) I guess a better question might have been do the newer high dollar lures "$12 a piece" outshine some of the old standby's and if so how often? We are not so different my guilty pleasure is hunting equipment. I can give a informed opinion on way too many of the hunting gizmo's out there and my wife will be all too glad to testify to that ::)