MyFishFinder Forum

MFF US Northeast => New York => Topic started by: archbishop on May 03, 2005, 07:56 AM

Title: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 03, 2005, 07:56 AM
i was just scrolling down through all the threads and noticed new york has like 100x more posts and threads than any other statenow you can all joke and say its because im from new york ;D but honestly is new york that great of a fishery or hasnt this site caught on in other states yet?
Title: Re: New York
Post by: Buckski on May 03, 2005, 08:00 AM
Jay I have notice that also and the lack of imput from certain areas of the country. There may be other sites that they go to. I know of several in this area and IS is much different than MMF. Some work better than others and some people just don't post.
Wish that there was more imput from Western New York area. There might be an increase in posts once cottages are open and fuctional??
Title: Re: New York
Post by: Bobman on May 03, 2005, 08:42 AM
Maybe it's just because people from NY talk so fast we're out posting everyone else  ;D!  NY leads the way on MHF and IS too.

Seriously though, I don't think NY has the greatest fisheries but I think they're very good and we have some of the most diverse fishing in a relatively small area.  You can go from ocean/coastal fishing to Great Lakes fishing to classic stream fishing without leaving the state.  Take a look around you and try and count how many different species of fish you can/want to catch within a 2-3 hour drive (or however far you're willing to drive) from where you are. 

Also, as bad as many government operations are in NY we do have huge amounts of public access to fishing and hunting areas.  Talk to some of those guys out west or down south and you need a lot of money to lease a piece of river or a section of woods. 
Title: Re: New York
Post by: butterworm on May 03, 2005, 09:08 AM
i hear what you are saying bobman. i do feel fortunate to be able to fish and hunt the lands that i do without paying for a lease. we do live in a diverse area where you can fish for different species such as ocean/great lakes and stream. but i do feel there are
more ghost people on here that just like to take the info that is posted ,rather than give up some info that may help someone else. as in the past when info is given you have other individuals telling you how wrong you were for giving it and that is the only time you hear from them. they never post any info to help the other angler or hunter.just my 2sense.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: bigredfishing on May 03, 2005, 10:23 AM
all i know is that from where i live, i can target just about every temperate climate fish availible in north america within a 2.5 hour drive .  Alot of trophy fishing too. tons of it.  I consider myself extremely fortunate to grow up in such an area.  The fact that there is alot of posters also means (like butterworm mentioned) there is a TON of lurkers.  I have probably met as many lurkers as posters...its almost kind of disturbing.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: devil-man on May 03, 2005, 10:43 AM
I don't love NY, but it sure is a great place to fish and hunt!
Title: Re: New York
Post by: Mentiply on May 03, 2005, 11:23 AM
it would be a great place if they could come down on all the taxes. it seems everytime you turn around they are taxing or raising them for some reason or another.

Couldn't agree with you more.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: yoda on May 03, 2005, 01:38 PM
I do alot of fishing in the cape cod area and try to get and give info in the MA. board but boy they are slow.  Post can last for a few days without any response at all.  I must say that there are hand full of you guys that do most of the posting in the NY board and make us look good.  I appreciate it.  You can't beat NYS fishing
Title: Re: New York
Post by: Dr. IceGeek on May 03, 2005, 01:52 PM
  I too wonder how many lurkers are out there...I personally don't care if people lurk or not, but my question is why lurk?  I mean some people claim computer illiteracy as a reason, but if they are clever enough to find the site chances are they can at least write a sentence or two and give a report or contribute something.  Even if people aren't great fisherman/fisherwomen as some claim, they can still give a report...even if they aren't catching anything that info is still valuable.  It tells us what doesn't work, and that is one variable in the equation to finding what does work.  I don't know I guess my personal opinion is that lurkers should contribute.  Afterall, the internet was developed for the collective exchange of knowledge from which we can all benefit. (at first the internet was just as a means for scientists to easily share data that were working on a DARPA project), but still I find no reason why people can't or don't contribute.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: AD on May 03, 2005, 02:24 PM
To some I think coming on a site like this is a little intimidating.   Also I seem to see a lot less people posting info, seems that if people post good info on public spots there will be a ton of people there the next day.     I'd like to see people post more, but really it is up to each individual what and how much they want to post.    For me there really is not much I can post.   I mainly fish smaller ponds that could easily be over fished.     When I fish a bigger body of water I post and tell what I did and what I was using.     
     I think why there is so much posting is because like bigred says, there are so many different types of fish to fish for in so many different types of water bodies containing some real trophies.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: August West on May 03, 2005, 05:57 PM
Speaking of LURKERS, are you out there Jighead?
Sorry I didn't get back to you, I had a family fish dinner with the last of my Bradley Brook Slabs. Skaneatreles coughed up some big Jumbos yesterday in my boat. 8# Laker as well! ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: New York
Post by: Dr. IceGeek on May 03, 2005, 08:35 PM
AlaskanDreams...more posting doesn't neccesarily make fishing spots more crowded.  If only ONE person posted, you could assume that all of the "Lurkers" in a given area would go there.  If two people post, theoretically the lurkers should be divided between the two fishing spots, three posts and now there are only 1/3 the amount of lurkers at each spot.  My point being that unless there are an infinite number of lurkers, more posting will only help to evenly distribute the lurkers and provide more information so those in the know can make intelligent decisions......more posting = less crowded fishing spots....kind of like more guns = less crime
Title: Re: New York
Post by: synergyboy10 on May 03, 2005, 08:36 PM
just wait till summer comes around and then see were all the posting takes place
Title: Re: New York
Post by: JerryofWNY on May 04, 2005, 07:07 AM
You got a point Synergyboy. The weather has been so lousy that  I've only been out 3 times. (Yeah I posted.) Weather's improving for this weekend and we'll see if the posting picks up. Also additional seasons opening.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 04, 2005, 07:16 AM
just wait till summer comes around and then see were all the posting takes place

nick are you drunk again ???  your right once the weather gets a little better and turkey season is done and school is out and so on the posts should pick up else where but my point was new york outposts everyone (not just me everyone in NY) ;D i meen there are almost 7,000 posts in NY and the next closest state is maine with under 1,500 or you gotta go to canada to even compare with manitoba at 2,200 and most states have 5 posts with 2 topics but then theres us with this huge number i dont remember what it was on IS but was it the same there as well

my wife made the joke that if any other state had pataki as gov. they would all be out of work and home on the computer too ??? kind of insulting at first then when you think about it i wonder how true it is?
Title: Re: New York
Post by: Big_Buck_Hunter on May 04, 2005, 12:03 PM
...and what's wrong with lurking?  I often don't have a comment to make. Yes, I could write 500 responses of "way to go, nice fish" but why bother?  I come on here to read, to be entertained, and to post when necessary.  I mean look at the Photos thread - that's a TV show in itself, you can spend all day in there looking at the photos.  BigRedonIce should have his own show, he has so many photos and good advice.   So, that's why many "lurk" for enjoyment.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 04, 2005, 12:20 PM
i think the "lurkers" everyone is refering to are the people that just sit around and read all the hotspots and go to them and dont have any constructive info to share just use this site to gain new fishing spots and when they do post its usually something like what you just posted and if you follow big reds posting adventures you would have read earlier in this thread he said how its almost disturbing how many lurkers are out there and it kind of is thats why theres another thread about how people have to blurr the backgrounds of there pics and the people who truly do "lurk" for enjoyment or for the fact they dont really know much about fishing always say "way to go" and "nice fish" because they are entertained and wish to keep seeing the pics
Title: Re: New York
Post by: butterworm on May 04, 2005, 12:42 PM
im a lurker ,are you ;D
Title: Re: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 04, 2005, 12:55 PM
you lurk around my fishing hole to try and not get skunked and watch me pull in all the fish for your enjoyment ;D
Title: Re: New York
Post by: Hood on May 04, 2005, 01:18 PM
Like them or not, Lurkers are here to stay. I am not a huge fan of them myself and wish they would contribute more. What gets me more than lurkers are the guests, they can scroll through any posts they want and absorb all the info and go on their way. At least on the Shanty they have limited access. I feel login should be mandatory, if they really want to see what this great site has to offer they will sign up.  As for the photo section with people giving congrats on fish, Its not about building post numbers or because they dont have useful knowledgwe, its because we all support each other in our adventures and fish caught.  Some of the best fishermen on this site can be found giving simple congrats and WTG posts, its about camraderie, not building posts or leaving a message just to be heard.  You will turn around and see those same names giving valuable info and teaching those who are less knowledgeable how to get the job done. As for NY, we are just Badass.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 04, 2005, 01:24 PM
amen hood ny is badass and as far as building posts ive been accused of it more than a time or two but ive yet to win a prize or get invited on a big fishing excursion im just out of work now and love bs'ing and learning along the way im stuck in the house with my kids on the weekdays so learning from all of you is my weekday fishing ;D post sleeper or not i enjoy all the info i have acumulated on here and IS from all my fellow new yorkers and whether im accused of building posts or not im going to continue to tell you all nice job on your pics and stories keep them up because lurker or contributer we all enjoy them
Title: Re: New York
Post by: butterworm on May 04, 2005, 01:39 PM
Like them or not, Lurkers are here to stay. I am not a huge fan of them myself and wish they would contribute more. What gets me more than lurkers are the guests, they can scroll through any posts they want and absorb all the info and go on their way. At least on the Shanty they have limited access. I feel login should be mandatory, if they really want to see what this great site has to offer they will sign up.  As for the photo section with people giving congrats on fish, Its not about building post numbers or because they dont have useful knowledgwe, its because we all support each other in our adventures and fish caught.  Some of the best fishermen on this site can be found giving simple congrats and WTG posts, its about camraderie, not building posts or leaving a message just to be heard.  You will turn around and see those same names giving valuable info and taching some who are less knowledgeable how to get the job done. As for NY, we are just Badass.
could not agree more hood.
Title: Re: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 04, 2005, 01:43 PM
if there are any lurkers out there we are going out for catfish next weekend on the 14th at the mouth of the cattaraugus creek you can come watch butterworm help ME haul my fish to shore ;)

seriously if any one in WNY wants to join up and meet a few new fishing buddies your more than welcome to join but we cant give up any secrets because not many of us going have ever catfished before but we are going to have fun
Title: Re: New York
Post by: bussman on May 05, 2005, 04:52 PM
Please make an honest attempt to stay on topic. There is alternative means for personal chit chat. Please use them. ;)  If you can not use these other methods your welcome to start a thread just for your own personal use as long as you keep it within the site policies.


Title: Re: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 05, 2005, 05:04 PM
well bussman lurkers and post building is what this thread was about because i started it to see why NY had so many more posts than other threads and we all know that if you start a thread to BS on it will be either deleted or locked i have 1 go both ways and i believe we are all within site policies on this thread sorry if i am out of line i guess i just dont understand your post
Title: Re: New York
Post by: bussman on May 05, 2005, 06:50 PM
Please understand moderating web sites is not an easy job. The moderators are all volenters and we do the best we can. Some of us have been doing this a while and others are new but we try our best to communicate with each and keep all members as happy as possible. As some of you already know there has been some complaints. Not many, but we still would like to address them.  I deleted a number of posts today that were steering even this brood topic out in left field.  Trying to confine your "BS" to one thread might solve this problem. As long as you keep things G rated and don't intentionally insult anyone you should be fine in here.  ;)

Archbishop and Friends (


Title: Re: New York
Post by: archbishop on May 05, 2005, 11:19 PM
thank you bussman and i agree totally G rated and if i slip please notify me and i will modify if you and the other mods dont get to it fist and you are correct i dont envy the jobs of you and the other mods all the BS and complaints you must have to make decisions about and just to keep on MY topic that I started I LOVE NEW YORK ;D
Title: Re: New York
Post by: fishryc on May 10, 2005, 02:28 PM
Just another observation regarding the NY site (BTW, great, plus interesting topic Archbishop started here). I put up a new topic about Beaver Island perch today that had an inquiry at the end. Checked back relatively quick looking for some news and was surprised by the number of times it had been read already: 10 times in ½ hour during peoples work hours! We must have huge traffic all day. This also supports, as was discussed, that there is a lot of entertainment usage. At least I feel that this a safe assumption because if all these people were also posting, we’d need to spend 24 hrs. / day to keep up. Anyway, I love this site and express much gratitude to those whom operate it. (My boss sure hates it though!!! Anybody else get warned at work?)
Title: Re: New York
Post by: madbomber on May 10, 2005, 09:44 PM
all fishermen like to BS and I thought this is what the site is for. Info is great but I still like to hear the of topic chit-chat if people don't then don't read it??? by the way I don't have all that many posts , would I be considered a LURKER ,hope not
Title: Re: New York
Post by: bigdave1018 on May 11, 2005, 05:46 AM
i live 1 mile from the golden cresent which was rated the 2nd best fishing area in the usa close behind michigan. every game and panfish that is caught in new york state are caught here and in numbers. the fishery is awesome year round for most of the salmonoid species, pike,bass and panfish. all the way from the fair haven area up to the henderson area. ive never fished lk george but ontario has to be close for the quality of fishing. as far as lurkers in here, i find nothing wrong. i always try and post to help other fishers in here but i dont post if i have nothing to say. alot of these posts in here are useless as far as info goes. a few fishers in here got poed at me for some different reasons but i try and speak the truth either way and some guys cant take it, the truth that is. alot of these replies between guys should be pmed and not posted because of the crap has no use to the thread and most people dont like or want to see it. theres my 2 cents take it or leave it.