MyFishFinder Forum

MyFishFinder By Species => Bullhead => Topic started by: reelcharacter on Mar 18, 2004, 10:59 PM

Title: Bullhead Catching
Post by: reelcharacter on Mar 18, 2004, 10:59 PM
OK, we asked for Bullhead, now we gots' it!!!
(Thanks Scott).  ;D

What are your favorite Bullhead baits, recipes for bait?
What fishing rigs do you use?
Do you prefer to fish by night or by day?
Where do you fish for them?
What tips do you have for catching Bullheads?
-lantern tips, attracting fish, rod holders you use . . .

Inquiring minds want to know?! Lets hear from you guys (and ladies).

Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: seaweed01 on Mar 19, 2004, 09:46 AM
I use a 1/0 or 2/0 extra long shank snelled hook. Thread a nightcrawler all the way up the shank of the hook leaving just a small piece or tail off the end. I found out that it works better than hooking and balling the crawler on the hook.  When they take it, you hardly ever miss them.
Also when the bluegills start to bother your bait, take one, scale it and then fillet it and use pieces the size of a nickel or quarter and when you have a hit, 99% of the time its a bullhead and the bluegills will usually leave it alone. (I did catch a 17lb musky on the bluegill piece - what a suprise.) A piece of smelly shrimp works well also.
I just use the standard bottom rig, sinker on bottom, two hooks up line.
I fish for them anytime. I have a couple of ponds that they bite good in the daytime, so fish for them mostly then.
Whenever I'm fishing for bullheads and the bites slows, I start cleaning some, this saves a lot of work when you get home. I usuall only eat a meal or two and give all the rest away. I just like to catch them.
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: howey1176 on Mar 19, 2004, 10:55 AM
My favorite hook size would have to be a 4 for bullys. I use the same rig as seaweed. Normally I fish at night for them but if I hear they are biting somewhere during the day, I'm there. I concentrate most of my bully fishing around north Wolcott and Fair Haven area. There are so many places I fish for them but that is were I do most. Inlets ( no matter what the size) are a hot spot. I normally use two Coleman white gas lanterns with foil wrapped around half of the globe so I don't get blinded. I used to use bells on the end of my rods but now I paint them bright yellow.

One tip is try to hook the fish quick otherwise you will end up with raw fingers by the end of the night, and bring a pair of needlenose, you will need them. Bullys like to swallow the bait fast.

Leeches I think are the best bait. Otherwise I will take some worms and let them sit out and get a little smeely and use them. They work better that way. Sometimes I will also use smelly chicken livers tied in egg sac bags. yum yum
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: gunner1 on Mar 20, 2004, 05:05 PM
I recently purchased a bunch of SNELLED Eagle Claw circle hooks from Dick's Sporting Goods and I really think that these will be great for bullheadin' this spring. Those suckers DO swallow the hook fast and now I have an effective means of reducing that.
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: mike692 on Mar 20, 2004, 07:58 PM
My favorite hook for cat fishing is a 2 or 4 hook with a long shank. Makes it easier to get ahold of with the pliers.
I have good success with small shiners, night crawlers, and fresh chicken liver.
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: kingfshr16 on Mar 21, 2004, 11:16 AM
 This may sound a little weird but we were bullheadin' in a little pond in syracuse and the action slowed down, so as a joke I grabbed a hot dog broke a piece off and BAM! we started hittin fish like crazy, anyone else every try this and had luck?
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: MikeMo on Mar 23, 2004, 04:34 AM
I usually use #2 hooks and nightcrawlers. Chicken hearts work good as do chicken liver and cut fish.
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: cenobite07 on Mar 28, 2004, 10:51 PM
We usually set up with two hooks with night crawlers and leeches. When they're running hard (not this weekend of course  :'() they will often go nuts for one or the other. Once we figure out which they want, we rig just that bait. I've never had a lot of luck with any of the "weird" baits for bullheads.

Usually use #2 or #4 hooks. If the perch are being annoying, I'll go with the bigger hooks. Perch also seem to avoid leeches.

I have best luck in the hour or so after dark.
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: reelcharacter on Mar 31, 2004, 10:37 PM

I have only recently "discovered" leeches for Bullhead bait. Previously thought Panfish where the most likely targets when fishing with leeches. Yours sounds to be a sensible approach. Now I just have to get out and try wetting some worms . . .

Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: hosscletuslulu on Apr 04, 2004, 06:52 AM
I use leeches alot because they are more durable than worms and you can keep your line wet instead of rebaiting after each fish with wormsPERCHPULLER
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: bayonne on Apr 17, 2004, 07:42 PM
live minows get the bigger ones every time
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: reelcharacter on Apr 17, 2004, 10:55 PM
live minows get the bigger ones every time

What type of rig and presentation do you use when fishing minnows for Bullhead? I have heard of using minnows for Cats, but not Bullheads, interesting . . .

Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: reelcharacter on May 29, 2004, 11:42 PM
Well I do not see any recent posts on Bullhead. Does that mean no-one is catching any now?

Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: reubenpa on May 30, 2004, 12:10 PM
got some last week in my little finger of water in Canandaigua3 probably 13 inches or so, but 4 about 6-8 inches
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: whitebassbenny on Aug 17, 2004, 09:28 PM
hook #1size  24" line  0.5oz    worm on hook and cast out

<__ ------------------ = ------------------------
hook      24"  line                                           to pole

hope it works       
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Hookset on Aug 20, 2004, 10:51 AM
Here is my personal best bullhead, caught spring 2003 in the upper Hudson River, NY.  Using a nightcrawler on a steel snelled 3/0 hook.  Hooked at about 7:15 pm in May.  Weighed out at 5 lbs 8 oz.  Here it is ;D:

Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: cold as ice on Sep 22, 2004, 04:24 PM
Im glad to have found a forum like this. Here in New Hampshire we call them hornpout. I just started useing a floating jig with a 1/3 of a night crawler attached to it with 12"s of line before the sinker which is just heavy enough to get a good cast and hold the bait were I want it.I caught 2, 15 inches long.  also I go to my local bait shop and buy thier dead minnows for 1/2 the price of the live ones works well for me so far!
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Mackdaddy21 on Oct 03, 2004, 05:52 PM
I don't target bullheads, but catch a lot when fishing Channel Cats in the Colorado or Gunnison Rivers. I find they tend to be more oriented in very slow eddies and waters off the main channel, wherareas channel cats are found in deep, mainchannel holes with a little bit of current. I think worms are by far the best bullhead bait, but chicken liver also will catch them.

Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: seaweed01 on Oct 03, 2004, 09:17 PM
A nice fish. With that forked tail it looks like a channel cat to me. are
you sure it was a bullhead?
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Pasquatch on Feb 26, 2005, 06:03 PM
Thats an obese channel cat!
Why such big hooks!? I use #8s for pike, size #12 for little fish like bullheads :) Can somebody explain to me why we need such big hooks? ???
Just my .02  :)
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Hookset on Mar 15, 2005, 01:10 PM
Why such big hooks!?

For me, when I'm on the river fishing for cats, the hook size serves two purposes.  First, I predominantly rely on chicken liver for bait.  The larger hook seems to hold the bait a bit better, I don't lose many during the cast as I did using smaller hooks.  If I run out of livers, I generally take small suckers or whatever else we catch that's bait-worthy.  Cut the bait into 2 inch steaks and have at it.  It takes a rather large hook to get through a 2 inch steak.  Second, I have had no gut hooks since upsizing.  These cats in the Hudson get up to and above the 40 inch mark, and can take a 3/0 without even knowing it's there.  The stell snell is in case the toothies find your offering.  I have a bunch of photos from cat outings last year on then site somewhere, it's too much fun to put a hog on 10lb line and let them burn the drag. 

Let me know if you ever have the itch to come up an give it a shot!
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Pasquatch on Mar 15, 2005, 06:51 PM
I agree with you there, cats take and often need a large hook. Those big river cats I would fish for with less than a 2/0. I'm talking about 8-16" bullheads, they're small fish, and a #1 hook seems big to me... :-\
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: big big rdg on Mar 26, 2005, 12:38 AM
Anyone know of anywhere in MA that is a good spot for Bullheads?Just wondering i want to catch some soon..
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Coldfeet on Apr 13, 2005, 08:20 AM
For Bullheads my best bait by far is big bullfrog tadpoles (without any legs). Read your Regs for your area before trying them. They seem to out fish any worm or minnow at least 2 to 1. Hook them thru the lip with as littleweight as possible to get them to bottom and let them do there own thing it won't be long before they become supper for Ol'bullhead. Worms, Minnows, Shrimp Crayfish, do work but this bait is like candy to a kid. In NY the tadpole must not have legs on it to be legal to use as bait so be sure to check out the regs. for your area. The best size tadpole must be close to a quarter to half dollar size without tail and if you have a area with cattails to fish near this is one of the best areas for this bait. I get my bait off ponds with a smelt dipping net on a handle in no time you will have plenty of bait for a night of fishing.
Cold Feet
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Somers on Apr 13, 2005, 11:15 AM
In NY the tadpole must not have legs on it to be legal to use as bait so be sure to check out the regs. for your area.

Coldfeet, can you point out where to get this info.  I can't seem to find it on the DEC site.  Not that I'm planning on using legged pollywogs, but I've never seen this info before.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Coldfeet on Apr 15, 2005, 08:32 AM
I am trying to get a hold of DEC for the explanation of it. I too looked thru the booket and read thru the site Bobberstop put up here with no luck. All I can say is I've heard of the rule years ago and have stuck with it all these years. I will still keep trying to get more info from the DEC office and get back to you here.
Cold Feet
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: reubenpa on Apr 15, 2005, 12:26 PM
do you get the tadpoles during the day in the ponds or at night I want to get some
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Pasquatch on Apr 16, 2005, 06:46 AM
do you get the tadpoles during the day in the ponds or at night I want to get some
Net them in the shallows near weeds, in seasonal pools is where I see them.

You can use tadpoles, and  you can use frogs, why not tadfrogs?
Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: AD on Apr 16, 2005, 10:17 AM
If your in New York STate here is a link to the regional offices
If your not check with your local state regualatory peopel and they should know the regs on tadpoles.   

Title: Re: Bullhead Catching
Post by: Coldfeet on Apr 17, 2005, 10:28 AM
We get them during the day when they are shallow  the moss and weeds using a long handled net Just use the bigger pollywog's they work the best If I remember right having the legs made them amphibians and it wasn't legal to use them but I will still try to find this info out so no one gets into trouble.
Cold Feet