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Author Topic: JR's at it again  (Read 6701 times)


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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #15 on: Jun 03, 2005, 05:00 PM »
Yeah i never like nascar until my roomate at school was a diehard ernhart fan.  So i picked a driver and that made it a lot more exciting. Plus it isn't just going around in circles the whole time there are a lot of other variables that come into affect during the race.
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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #16 on: Jun 03, 2005, 05:05 PM »
yeah i love the commentary the little tid bits you learn as you go the cut away car driver interviews especially tony stewart he always has something goofy up his sleeve your right there are alot of variables other than going in circles my favorite though is 3 wide going into a turn the feeling you get seeing that wow or those finishes like last weekend :clapping:  :thumbup_smilie:


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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #17 on: Jun 03, 2005, 09:02 PM »
My only problem with this discussion is everyone making Jr out to be someone he may or may not want to be; His Dad. I think he needs to get someone else to run the Co. You can't have a guy hire the crew chief and then have that same guy take orders from the Crew Chief. It was another day when guys were owner drivers, too high tech these days. If you want to bash Jr, fine, that is mostly envy coming out, not knowledge. I think he needs to just drive, I have seen him do some moves that 95% of the field wish they could do on the track. Just my $.02.

A Rusty Fan!



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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #18 on: Jun 04, 2005, 12:37 AM »
FYI JR's mom and uncle run the company and make all the decisions and name any top 15 driver that cant do the same moves if not better than JR if he was that good a driver then he could over come a crew chiefs decision i mean how many drivers did he send behind the wall and even terry labonte to the hospital last week if thats the moves your talking about then ok not many can do that intentionally and i know JR has HUGE shoes to fill but if he ever realizes hes not his dad and just drives then he will be great until then the bashing will continue its his fathers name on the company not his its not DEJI its DEI


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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #19 on: Jun 04, 2005, 09:25 AM »
1 Kurt Bush 2 Mike Wallace 3Andretti 4 Schrader 5 Jimmy Johnson 6Harvick 7Mark Martin 8Marlin 9 Labonti (either of them) 10 Waltrip 11 Kyle Bush 12 Newman (loves hitting Rusty) 13Biffle 14 Stewart 15 Craven 16 Jarrett. All of them have been Cement heads once or twice on the track. Thats a part of raceing that I hate so whats wrong with Jr rubbing once in a while I even seen Flash Gordon do it to win races more than once. Ive seen him take Rusty out to win a few races so whats so diffrent about Jrs mistakes. No one said he is the best and for sure he is not Sr no one can fill those shoes not even Flash Gordon is close to him. FYI it is his Stepmother Uncle and Sister who has most of the say at DEI although Jr does have input to what goes on there. It is a family run buisness. With the biggest member missing. Hard for anyone to overcome especialy if your the son trying to fill the shoes of the best there is or was. Any kid in there 20s will make mistakes without there father and best friend there to look out for your best intrests. He does have some growing up to do and with that he will make some bad calls but time is what he needs. The main problem is the media who trys to portray him as his father and is getting into his head a little for sure.  By years end you will see a new driver out of him hopefully.  As for overcomming a bad move by the crew cheif I doubt anyone can do that. If you think they can I got a car that will fit your butt just fine and will put some bad setups in it to see if you can stay with the front pack. At 200 mph or 100 mph it doesnt matter all the front running cars are driveing on the edge and 1 bad move by the pits will put you in the back fast and No driver can overcome that not even Flash Gordon
Cold Feet
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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #20 on: Jun 04, 2005, 09:59 AM »
you are funny FIRST of all JR is not a kid in his 20's SECOND when other drivers rub and spin its for the win on the last lap not to there teammate in the middle of the race, and getting more and more frequent in every race and THIRD you say not even Flash Gordon is close to SR? Gordon is only 4 wins and 3 championships away from SR and in 15 less years than it took SR, and if it wassnt for the points system change last year only 2 championships away(sorry still sore about that) and FINALLY yes its his step mom just easier to say mom who runs everything and his uncle does day to day operations but there is a long list of people in between those two and i didnt realize his sister had much say as to stuff that goes on on the track and day to day decision making?


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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #21 on: Jun 05, 2005, 09:03 AM »
Sorry ment to say in his 20s when his dad died, I lost my father when I was 30 and still find it hard to realise how much he was a part of my life for everything. I know you don't like Jr and thats fine by me I dislike flash Gordon just as much. If it wasn't for Ray E. he wouldnt be even close to Earnhardts record of 7 championships  (Crew Cheif makeing the right moves at the right time). Before you say anything about spinning people out  ask Rusty about Newmans 2 bonehead moves he made on his own teammate this year. Or Johnsons attempt to force a issue in a corner and slideing up the track takeing out half the feild on more than 1 track.  And I will end this with being as close as Gordon is to Earnhardts overall wins doesnt make him as big a winner as Earnhadt was to the sport! Sr. was one of the best or even the best there was Wins do not make you a champion in the hearts and minds of the fans, and I was one of his. I can only remember 1 win he got where the fans booed him and that was the time he spun out T. Labontie at Bristol. Then on the other hand his win at Daytona, the first time ALL the crews came out to meet him on pit road. Where can you say that for Gordon?
Cold Feet
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Re: JR's at it again
« Reply #22 on: Jun 05, 2005, 12:21 PM »
it will never happen to gordon because he won too much too fast and all the old school fans hate him because he was to young to do what he has done and say all you want about his crew chief every champion has a great crew chief but every champion has also got to get it done on the track himself as well Jr is a good driver i just dont like him and i wil not say anything bad about SR he was and is a legend in the sport but if you go back to the beginning he was just as loved and hated as gordon but over 20+ years of racing he became the man he was when he pasted so talk to me again about gordon when he has raced that long its only been 11 years for him

this is why i love racing what other sport can you have this good of an argument ;D


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