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Author Topic: Fishing as a Literary Exercise  (Read 709 times)


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Fishing as a Literary Exercise
« on: Aug 13, 2022, 05:39 PM »
And today's theme is "Alice in Wonderland."

I fished the East Housatonic in Dalton in the early afternoon and the South Branch of the Hoosic in Cheshire later in the afternoon,

It was mostly cloudy, pleasantly warm (mid-70's) and the streams were quite low.

Alice in Wonderland -  Motif # 1:  "One pill makes you smaller, and the other makes you grow." 

There was a steady downward progression in the size of the fish I caught on the East Housatonic - - a 9" brookie, a 7" perch and a 4" sunfish.

Then followed an equally steady upward progression in the size of the ones that I landed on the South Hoosic - - a 4" sunfish, a 6" dace, a 7" largemouth bass and a 15" rainbow.

I don't know why . . . but I find the symmetry amusing,

Alice in Wonderland - - Motif # 2: "Curiouser and curiouser."

It's the first time I can recall ever catching either a perch or a sunfish on the East Housatonic.

Likewise, it's the first time I ever caught a bass on any branch of the Hoosic.

As a bonus, I caught my last two fish on a lure, which is a real rarity for me. 

I'm generally a bait fishing purist, but I had  used up my last wsorm, so I switched over to a Mepps spinner, before reeling in first the largemouth and then the rainbow.

Although I still prefer bait, I have to admit - - the fish definitely hit harder on a lure.


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Re: Fishing as a Literary Exercise
« Reply #1 on: Aug 15, 2022, 05:17 PM »
Nice work as usual.


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