Fishing Tackle

Author Topic: Time for a fish tale...  (Read 1264 times)


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Time for a fish tale...
« on: May 04, 2018, 08:19 AM »
A buddy and I put the whoop on the crappie in Brown County last night.  Everything was chomping small curly tailed
jigs.  Any thing near wood brought crappie and the occasional open water toss yielded nice bluegills.  We also caught a
few   10-12 " bass.  We had hit a point where the lily pads were just emerging and taken several fish when I felt an odd
tap and saw a large boil a couple of feet away from where my line entered the water.  I saw a LOT of white belly and told
my buddy I might have a big bass on the line.  Almost immediately, everything went limp and I reeled in what appeared to
be a mangled 10 inch largemouth and a lily pad or two.  When this mess got close to the boat I realized that the mass I saw
trailing the dead bass was not a lily pad but a really big largemouth.  I put the reel on freespool, but it showed no interest in
the lifeless fish.  Ah for dinner and a fish tale to tell with it.

fish on, get a bigger lure, fish off



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Re: Time for a fish tale...
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2018, 10:44 AM »
Wow that would have been something to see.


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Re: Time for a fish tale...
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2018, 11:31 AM »
My biggest
musky was caught on a 14in bass as I reeled it in. Now when i'm out bass fishing in musky waters I take my time reeling them in.


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Re: Time for a fish tale...
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2018, 12:22 PM »
Gotta love a good bonus fish!

As long as we're telling fish stories....

Was in Canada with friends many years ago.  I had brought one rarley fishing friend along that was fished out a couple days into the week long trip.  He was good for several laughs throughout the trip including: Let me out of this boat right now as we sat in 100 feet of water along a steep rock face in wolf and bear country, almost catching a northern with his bait completely out of the water as he reclined across the boat seat - it made a great thud as it hit the boat, and the grand finale of completely losing his mind as the owner of the camp drove another group to town and I was able to convince him that that was the last trip out of the day!!!!  Good times!


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Re: Time for a fish tale...
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2018, 02:19 PM »
Shes still out there Rivereddy, waiting for you in the lillypads!! Had a Muskie follow a  Giant Mepps lure to my kayak on Webster,out of the pads, it rolled off and thumped the yak at the last second.......  Lost something massive surfcasting the gulf in Flordia. It just ripped and peeled all my line, I had no chance.  Both burned into my memory. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. If i had just done this or that. Replayed so many times in my mind. I sometimes think I remember the ones that got away, more than the fish that got landed........I mean it rocked my kayak damit.......Maybe I should have thrown purple that day.... :wacko:


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Re: Time for a fish tale...
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2018, 03:51 PM »
One really learns about one's self on Canadian wilderness trips.  2 months before a major Quetico canoe trip, my wife had to
have major abdominal surgery.  I began to take the steps to cancel the trip but she wouldn't hear of it.  The surgeon cleared
her and we went ahead with plans.  We had taken many trips to the area - usually as a threesome with a good buddy or the 3 of us with a selected high school student who had some camping experience.  I had been surplussed and was teaching jr hi that year so a student was out of the  question.  A phys ed teacher offered to go.  We had him over for dinner one night and from the way he talked it seemed to be an experienced camper who could live without Mickey D's for a couple of weeks.

He lied to us. He lied to himself.  His extensive camping experience consisted of weekend church camps.  In cabins. He wondered why we weren't taking a supply of drinking water.  I don't think he had ever, uh s..t in the woods.  At the dinner he said, "I'll eat anything."  The first night out, smelling the stroganoff he announced, "Do I smell onions? I don't eat onions..."

His tackle was a cheap glass rod and a Zebco 202........With the drag locked up....  With who knows how old line...  Needless to say, most of the fish trashed him, but the fishing was so good he did manage to hook an eater walleye.  I offered to net the fish for him but he announced, "I lip grab everything." So I let him.  It gnawed on his thumb like the ferret did to David Letterman on the "Tonight" show.  He howled like a coyote in heat.... We all nearly died trying to keep a straight face, but I couldn't help notice the ripples the canoes made from all the shaking.

He complained about everything and yet, there was my wife, with a belly full of wire and stitches out paddling him, and, by the end of the trip carrying packs far heavier than the 25 pound clearance the surgeon gave her.  The packs he was supposed to carry.  He carried the paddles and life jackets over the portages.  We lived communally yet he smuggled in a horde of candy bars, thinking we wouldn't notice.  He hid the stuff in a pack in the sleeping tent. In bear country.  About halfway through trip he got pillaged... by a ground squirrel who chewed through my tent to chew through his pack and scattered Snickers wrappers all over the camp.... He cried.

In short he was a greenhorned, PITA, but at least I got a good story to tell. You'uns be good and maybe I tell more.

fish on,



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Re: Time for a fish tale...
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2018, 05:14 PM »
Good stories, got to be carefull with those toothy critters!

Hate the ones that get away.  I get broke off more times than I want to admit through the ice on Sylvan every year.  Maybe one of these days I'll up size my tackle a but or learn to finesse one of those suckers through the hole.


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