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Author Topic: New Mich Fishing order~Carlton Heston famous words "Its A Mad House"  (Read 5809 times)


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I pity Mich. fisherman especially those who normally fish with buds.

1. If you want to fish you have to row.
2. You can not fish with your buds only household members
3. You can only use your own equipment, you can't borrow or use someone else's pole, net, bait container, etc.,9753,7-406-98178_98455-525278--,00.html
Q: Does boating constitute “outdoor activity” under the new executive order?

Physical outdoor activity like kayaking, canoeing, and sailing is permitted under the order, but using a motorboat, a jet ski, or other similar watercraft is not. Any outdoor activity permitted under the order, including boating, must be done in a manner consistent with social distancing, and individuals should use only their own equipment to prevent the transmission of the virus through the touching of shared surfaces. Additionally, in accordance with section 2 of the order, persons not part of a single household may not boat together.
I'm a "Born in Ind" Redneck and proud of it


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You really need to stop the whining. Especially when you don't even live in Michigan.

“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln


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You really need to stop the whining. Especially when you don't even live in Michigan.

I'm trying to keep up with you, may take allot of post to do that. The only reason you don't like me dogging the Mich Gov. is because you both are on the same side of the fence. If it was a Gov from the other side of the fence you wouldn't say a word but I would act the same I'm independent.

Again I say.
My heart goes out to all the Mich. Dads that can't take their child out fishing in their boat, its a sad day for all. Your Gov, has wronged you.
I'm a "Born in Ind" Redneck and proud of it


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I agree as well. I live in Indiana, have family in Michigan. And think that’s taking this too far...


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And don’t see what it matters where you live, the fact that it has happened anywhere, is what is worrisome.


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I think they are in the wrong too.  we see when time come to vote if MI is upset enough to remedy the problem. as with here.

Perhaps but OTOH New Zealand shut everything down. No exceptions. They had ONE death I the entire country.

Just because you are't sick or know anyone that is, doesn't mean you can't pass it around if you get in a situation where people mingle. I've heard reports in Michigan of people crowding the boat ramps and fishing shoulder to shoulder from shore.
“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln


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And don’t see what it matters where you live, the fact that it has happened anywhere, is what is worrisome.

You just contradicted your past post Stephen.

BTW Michigan was recently # 3 for the number of cases out 50 states. Is that what you want for Michigan?

I graduated from college and attended high school in Michigan. My friends up there are important to me. I say do what's needed to get this thing over with. I won't be able  to fish with them later if they're dead.
“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln


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  • Sacandaga

 fishing shoulder to shoulder from shore.

I wouldn't fish like that anytime...h2l


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I wouldn't fish like that anytime...h2l

Me either but it became that in places up there due to all the people off work with a lot of free time.
“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln

Mac Attack

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WTH is Carlton Heston???

 :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol:


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WTH is Carlton Heston???

 :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol:

So I left the 'h' out(Charlton Heston), no one is perfect.

Charlton Heston is an actor played as Moses in The Ten Commandments, also in Ben-Hur and the original Planet of the Apes. In the Movie Planet of the Apes one of his famous lines was, "Its a MadHouse". Meaning everything was turned upside down, which I see fitting for the craziness of this Gov. new order.
I'm a "Born in Ind" Redneck and proud of it


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And don’t see what it matters where you live, the fact that it has happened anywhere, is what is worrisome.

I agree 110%. But some on one side of the fence see problems as every ones business "only" if they agree with. If they disagree then you're not aloud talk about it.
Its a controlling act they use called suppress free speech, its not ok unless its in their interest. So if something is happening in some other state that's wrong you can bet you life I have a right to talk about it.
I'm a "Born in Ind" Redneck and proud of it


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Bottom line for me starting this thread, even if I live in Ind..

Stopping Mich. fathers and sons from going out fishing in a motor boat is not gona stop the Virus
Not letting Mich. people buy seeds to plant a garden to feed their family is not gona stop the Virus
Not letting Mich. people buy paint so they have something to do while not working is not gona stop the Virus

This is just of a few things in the Mich Gov new order.

People die and that's terrible but locking up families in their homes until this virus stops killing is not gona happen.

I still go to Walmart to buy fishing equip., I am still shore fishing the river, boats ready to launch when it warms up, I still talk to people but 6' from them, and if I get the virus and die so-be-it because it was my turn.

Any of us could die in a car wreck tomorrow but do we get hysteria over the thought, no.

 Death is around us all every day every year every decade, its time to get back to normal lives and hope the virus ends or vaccine is made.
I'm a "Born in Ind" Redneck and proud of it


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That order came back to bite our wonderful Whitmer.

She opened up the use of motors on boats just before Memorial Day. She also loosened up the restrictions on staying at home where her cottage is. Her husband called the man that has most of the boats stored  that go on the lake where her cottage is. He demanded that their boat be put in right away. He was told that they a were put on the end of the list as he had just called. He was also told that her banning of motors on boats was the reason for the back up. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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Michigan one in three states on track to contain Covid-19; cases on steadily decreasing. Sounds like a little sacrifie was worth it.

And contrary to what some of you are saying Witmer's handling of the pandemic has been met with high approval numbers among most Michiganders except for one crusty male group. You can have your own opinions but not your own facts.

“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln


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