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Author Topic: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch  (Read 15813 times)


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #45 on: Apr 08, 2004, 10:08 PM »
Howard Stern has a show and a following simply because he is willing to push the envelop on good taste. An individual who has demonstrated his brilliance on numerous occasions, Howard knows people will listen, when they wonder what new taboo will be broken next on his show. To expend his capability on simple tease and sleaze, rather than channel the bright mind he has demonstrated in some area of positive impact, I will never understand. Sooner or later, people will recognize the envelop has been pushed too far for too long and popular opinion will demand an acceptable level be restored. That is all that is happening with Howard's show. As smart as Howard is, he knew the day would come sometime and it is likely he figured more would occurred sooner than it has now. Just my humble opinion . . .

I once thought of registering as in independent years ago, to demonstrate my attitude about voting for the best person, rather than voting by party lines. I worked for 18 years in local government, was hired because of what I knew, not who I knew. I worked under both Democrats and Republicans. During these years I observed the Republican way of conduction business, empowered people to do their own best work. The Democrat way of conducting business included controlling how everything was done by flooding the organization with their own people. People who were not qualified for the positions they were paid to do. Just my actual experience . . .

I am and will always be a Republican and will continue to vote for the best qualified person, no mater what party line. Bush is the best person this time around.

Email me to swap information on fishing holes or to go fish'in sometime in the Syracuse Central NY area (Onondaga and Madison county water holes in particular).


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #46 on: Apr 09, 2004, 01:48 AM »
thats right...  I was wondering if would be drafted... if they drafted... because I am 22 so I am near that age...  can't say I wanna die... but if I was needed I would go for freedom

here here!  I'm right with you, 22 also.  I wouldn't sign my life to the military because of they would have over so many aspects of my life, but if I ever get drafted, I'm living to give my life away for my God, the ones I love, and my country!


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #47 on: Apr 09, 2004, 07:48 AM »
So many opinions on so many topics. It shows some real intelligence we have here.

I want to make a few points about what has been said in all these posts.

It is great to see a bunch of people talking so respectfully on sensitive issues.

This is a fishing site, so lets remember to be sensitive to other folks. Lets keep the political talk to this thread if we could please.


Back to the issues. I do love President Bush. I think I may have said that he is one of the best Presidents of my time. I personally think President Reagan was the best of my time but President Bush is good.

However he does has some flaws. I do think he is well aware of Howard Stern. All of this current censorship and freedom of speech is going directly back to the superbowl halftime show. The American public was very upset and political leaders took note. That is note in a voter that might have been completley untouched, like tapping into a new market of business. President Bush had his chance to be a hardline conservative. But its a fine line in my opinion that he is treading. There are Constitutional issues after all. I do think Stern was a target becuase he openly did not like the Bush Administration. He spoke his piece and now he is dealing with it.

I am not saying that Sterns show message was a positive one towards women. It was a show based on fun and a unreal world really. And what always amazed me is if people did not want to listen why did they just not change the channel. I mean why would you listen to a program all to call and complain to the FCC? Seems strange.

One person here mentioned that Stern was a very smart man. That is indeed very smart. The man was full of intelligence. One only need to see that he was a best selling author, a successfull movie, and successful radio show. And beyond the fact that he acted one way on radio I bet he was quite differant in his private life.

Personally I don't care what happens to Howard Stern, I am more concerned about the erosion of 1st Amendment Rights. And I clearly see this as a erosion.

On the AWB. Yes its more than likely just gonna set in the sunset for now. Will it be re-wrote I think it will be. Should it be no way!

These are all my opinions.



"When the people fear the ‘government,’ that is tyranny. When the government’ fears the people, that is liberty. - Thomas Jefferson


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #48 on: Apr 09, 2004, 10:18 AM »
Jon,you have some good points.As far as people not listening to something they don't want to ,you are right.For me the problem is children being given access to MORONS like Howard Stern.I'm sorry,but NO WAY should 10 and 12 yr olds etc listen to his ramblings.Think about some of the things he would talk about.Young kids should not have those topics available to them.And there is no way possible to monitor a kid 24 hrs a day.That's why the ACLU tick's me off.They fight against filters on computers at public libraries and schools.Come on,who would want kids to be able to see porn?????????????These people are screwed up.The innocence that children had years ago has eroded,And that is more valuable than some idiots right to SHOCK his listeners day after day with new "brilliant" dialogue.Whew!!!! now I feel better(nothing personal).


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #49 on: Apr 09, 2004, 03:14 PM »
I think Bush is not only a great president but one of the best we have ever had. He has the courage to stand up to murdering terrorists and doesn't waver when defending our country and way of life. When we were attacked on 9 - 11, we entered a new era. An era in which an a determined, brainwashed enemy is determined to kill us, our children, and all freedom loving people in the world. An enemy far more dangerous and determined than a fully armed Soviet Union ever was. The only way to stand up to Radical Islam is brutal force. They cannot be negiotiated with and they cannot be barttered with. As far as outdoors go, he definately knows our language and understands us. He will protect our rights. John Kerry on the other hand would support radical environmental policies and continued restrictions on sportsmen.  John Kerry and many other democrats are champions of increased governmental regulations.  Kerry supports continued funding and powerful implemenation of the Endangered Species Act and other liberty infringing environmental laws. A vote for Kerry would be a vote against our way of life.



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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #50 on: Apr 09, 2004, 04:40 PM »
IN MY OPINION- Bush sucks!
He is not a sportsman, he is a power hungry, oil rich liar.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #51 on: Apr 09, 2004, 09:40 PM »
Hey Strike -Zone,I am fond of this topic,so here I go again,you say Bush inherited the biggest budget surplus-how about the recession he inherited from good ol'Bill Clinton??Many experts say the recession started in Oct. of '99,and even democrats will admit it started March of 2000(one month after W. took office).Since that is a fact,how can you blame Bush for the recession when a new Presidents budget and financial plans don't even start until October after they are elected?That's 8 months after he's in office!Consumer spending has been at record levels for the last 12-24 months,did'nt you hear on the liberal media that 350,000 new jobs have been created this quarter? (They must have forgot to mention that!)How about the last quarter being the strongest economic wise in the LAST 20 YEARS?Also record homeowner ship?Don't you think that's pretty important to all those people who have never owned a home before?One more thing the economy has risen the last 7 consecutive months.Everybody thinks the GOP is the party of the rich.Seems funny the democrats have more  million dollar contributors than the republicans.Stop drinking the democratic and liberal Kool-aid.Start doing a little more in depth research beyond what mainstream media spoon feeds us.You will be surprised what you see.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #52 on: Apr 09, 2004, 10:50 PM »
I didn't realize Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly were on this web site.  I hope you guys fish better than you "research" politricks.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #53 on: Apr 10, 2004, 07:33 PM »
Disprove the facts,just don't say you disagree.As far as "eye candy",what are you looking for?The president has a way to go,but he is definitely heading in the right direction with the improvements mentioned above.The libs make it sound like there are no positves at all with Bush.That is false. So many people have forgotten about 9/11 and how they felt at that time.We were brought through that with strength and determination.Do you think it's LUCK that we hav'nt been victims of another terrorist attack?If I seem to go on and on forgive me please.My best buddie is a democrat,and we absolutely cannot discuss politics,because we both think we are right.So this forum gives me an outlet for a lot of penned up opinions.Have a nice day,and I'm enjoying the discussion.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #54 on: Apr 11, 2004, 08:10 AM »
Strike-Zone,you sound like a true gentleman,I'm sure you and I would enjoy each others company in the outdoors,and it sounds like we would both be intelligent enough not to mess it up discussing politics.Best wishes to you also,N1N


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #55 on: Apr 11, 2004, 01:29 PM »
Now see, this is what's so great about this site and IS.  I really love talking politics with people who agree with my opinion and with people who disagree.  It is fun to hear the arguments from all sides and it is fun to try to convince others why they should see the world through your lense!

This thread has been a real pleasure to read and participate in and it has stayed respectable, polite, and yet argumentative!  This is just a true testimony to the quality of our members!

Keep it up!!


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #56 on: Apr 12, 2004, 09:55 AM »
2003 14ft. lund deluxe with a 9.9 four stroke johnson,bottomline hr finder and sometimes i fire up my fl18.I put a small transom minnkota on the back.I love this boat!
2005 17FT LUND MR PIKE                                                                                       


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #57 on: Apr 12, 2004, 05:29 PM »
As far as social insecurity goes I would gladly give up my portion to get rid of the whole stinking SS system.
Life is Good on the Susky!
Date Registered:   Mar 04, 2004


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #58 on: Apr 13, 2004, 10:14 AM »
Well said strike zone! I'm with you 100 % Mackdaddy, If we don't have these radical environmental policies, we will be hunting and fishing under an oil derrick! Even though I am a hunter and fisherman, I still am for the endangered species act. I think it has been taken to extreme with the manatees in Florida (I am not for the speed zones,) and the wolf problem here in Wyoming. However, without it, animals can become extinct. I agree there needs to be an easier method for de-listing animals without PETA and those idiots sticking their noses in to it.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #59 on: Apr 13, 2004, 05:53 PM »
Fishing is AWESOME around oil derricks!


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