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Author Topic: Stupidest mistake?  (Read 58249 times)


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #75 on: Aug 05, 2006, 08:17 AM »
my buddy and i have a friend we pick on and we call him eddy (ed,edd +eddy) so last year he bought some new tip-ups and lined them all and so on. he has been fishing with us before and noticed our backing is slick. he asked why, we said so it wont stick to the ice. so when he set up his new traps he wanted to know what we used... we told him diaper rash cream, i even had some with me he coted all his new line needless to say he had to buy more.... the mistake was he knew better then to listen to us anyway :unsure: ....for some reason he though that one was real :rotflol:


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #76 on: Aug 09, 2006, 07:01 AM »
Here's one from this past Sunday.

I had plans to hit a small lake near here on Sunday morning at daybreak.  I have a small 12' aluminum boat with electric motor.  Saturday night, I got all my "stuff" together, etc. so I could get out the door in a hurry on Sunday morning.  I took my battery to the charger and connected it.

Sunday morning as I'm heading out the door I grab the battery - but it wasn't connected??????  I must have put it next to the charger, but not connected it????

I go out anyway, and the boat is moving very slooooooow.  I figure I should stay as close to the dock as practical.  It's not a big lake anyway.  The battery runs dead on me at about 10:30, I'm about five hundred yards from the dock.  Not a big deal, I have oars.  Oars that I haven't used in years.  Pop them into the oarlocks to head back.  First stroke and one of the oars snaps in half from being rotted I guess.

I paddled back with one oar - zig-zagging all over the place.

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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #77 on: Aug 12, 2006, 11:14 AM »
This spring I made two. First the last weekend in April I was pike fishing and caught my biggest bass, 20.5 inches and it had a small bass' tail sticking ou of its throat so it had to be over five pounds(which was my biggest) but they were out of season and even though my wife told me to take it, I didn't take my camera so I couldn't get a picture! My second and the mistake I think about everyday, was in May when I hooked what I know was my biggest northern pike probably 36-40 inches and really stout. I got the fish right up to shore and thinking I'd be okay with 20 pound test tried to horse it back in when it made a run and like slow motion watched my line go slack and the pike swim off :'( :'( :'( I've had acyual dreams of this very event! Oh yeah I've upgraded to 40 pound superline and always carry a disposable camera in my tackle bag.


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #78 on: Mar 27, 2010, 11:11 AM »
last week i figured id take my row boat on its 2010 maiden voyage. i was by myself, as my buddy had bailed on me (typical). so i have wood floors in my boat and its pretty heavy and i dont have a trailer. so i push my boat across the yard and lift the tail end in the truck( my truck has a 3 inch lift on it with big rims) so i struggled to do this. finnaly get it all packed up and locked into place. load my gear and head the to lake. i get to the lake and unload the boat. push it in the water and tie off the anchor line
i drive my truck back to the lot and walk back. and what happens? forgot the drain plug at home. its noe of those things you can picture exactly where its sitting. i was furious. walk back to the lot and get the truck. while loading the boat i slip and whack my head on the tailgate. naturally. drive all the way home, get the plug and head back. i was determined this time. made it to the launch finally after an hour and a half of a complete s*** show. fished for 5 hours and caught one. shoulda stayed at home. >:(


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #79 on: Apr 13, 2010, 05:21 AM »
Learned the hard way not to take Mackerel off a subaki rig while underway to another spot :'( 6 out of 8 hooks buried in the paw, that was
a long day  ;D


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #80 on: Sep 08, 2010, 03:40 PM »
I got a good one 2 weeks ago 3 of us were walleye fishing and we got are 9 so we decided to head in forgetting to pull the stringer in.  When we got to the dock we had a stringer with no fish. It went from a real good day to a reall bad day quickly.


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #81 on: Mar 15, 2011, 06:22 PM »
well, we forgot to lif tthe anchor, and it was about 20' in the air once it planed lol


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #82 on: Mar 16, 2011, 07:55 PM »
well, we forgot to lif tthe anchor, and it was about 20' in the air once it planed lol

Did the same thing once.  When the anchor broke the surface it headed straight for the boat and landed in the bow, after grazing the top of my partner's head.  Took 10 stitches, and everyone looked at us like we were crazy when we told them he got hit in the head with a boat anchor.


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #83 on: Mar 16, 2011, 08:31 PM »
I got an anchor stuck, I mean stuck. Was fishing a rock pile with my girlfriend and when I went to leave I couldn't yank the anchor. So I fire up the boat and get up wind (opposite side), still nothing. Tried it from several different angles and not a budge. As a last resort I let out a lot of rope and drive the boat around in circles pulling tension on it all the way around both directions. As it was getting dark I had to give up, I tied a piece of foam float to it and cut the rope. When we went back for it, it was gone. I'm guessing a diver took it but I can see some one just grabbing it and pulling it out.


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #84 on: Mar 17, 2011, 08:11 PM »
o boy embarrassing but one of the stupidest mistakes Ive made was one day we went out tubeing instead of fishing. In the hot weather and after a day of that we were taking the boat outta the water while i was straping the boat down to the trailer. My mom handed me my wallet outta the glove box and i had no pockets so i just set it on the side of the boat. While i finshed straping it down and every thing so we got in the truck and headed home. And went fishing the next day and we were about 50 miles from home and my dad asked me if i had my fishing license and i o yea its in the glove box yet from yesterday. So we get to the lake and i checked the glove box and not ta wallet so i sat in the boat watch my family catch fish all day while i couldn't fish cuz i didn't have my license. So when i got home i looked and looked every where for the d**n thing and i couldn't remember where it was last. So a whole week of not fishing went by and no wallet i got package in the mail and i felt it. And before i even opened it i knew it was my wallet some buddy picked it up some where but all the stuff was taken out of it but my driver license.


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #85 on: Mar 19, 2011, 09:26 AM »
these are really good ones


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #86 on: Mar 19, 2011, 03:48 PM »
I got a few.

#1: Don't hold your rod and cigar in the same hand. You can imagine what happened.

#2: Last Fall, my brother, his fiancee, my girlfriend, and I floated down the Ausable River. We parked his truck downstream and mine where we put the canoes in.Definitely the smartest way to do it. But my brother ended up locking his keys in my truck, a few miles upstream. It had just started raining when he started hiking back up the road.

#3: November 2007, we took our boat out on Lake George for what turned out to be its final voyage. Unfortunately, my dad's friend was paying more attention to a bottle of Jack than he was the depth finder. We came to a spot where there is a shelf that goes quickly from 80ft to 30ft and the cannonballs caught on the bottom. Due to our forward motion and the remnants of a hurricane, the boat kept trying to move and our new anchors cause the stern to dip under the waves. We took on quite a bit of water by the time we chose to cut the lines. We were half under by the time we limped to the closest marina. Tied to a dock and started to bail water. The boat sunk at the launch. Meanwhile, the truck and trailer was 2 miles across the lake. After finding a ride to get the truck, the real fun began. Winching a water filled boat from underwater onto a trailer isn't fun. The moral of the story: don't let the drunk guy in charge of the depth finder.  


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #87 on: Jun 15, 2011, 07:49 AM »
 Last spring I packed up and drove to Albany for another striper trip.
Meet my friend at the club and start to drink. I tell him I can drink at home let's fish.
So we head out hit the store for food and beer up the creek get bait out to the river.
Fish a while friend gets one small one. The wind picks and we decide to go and stay at an old fishing camp the club owned.
Set up camp get a fire going it gets dark and it's cold like 20's cold.
It snow's an inch by the next morning and it's nasty sleet rain high wind. We wake up run to the creek get more bait fish till noon no fish.
So we head to the camp for lunch By the time we were done eating there are 4ft rollers and white caps The waves start coming over the back of the boat it fills to the top in seconds.
17ft bass boat full of water it is no longer floating so we bail for the next 2hrs finally get it 3/4 of the way empty I say hey lets just get it on plain and pull the plug.
So he hits the gas and the boat stood straight up and it filled to the top in seconds sinks in 4fow we pulled it up to shore bailed 2 more hrs and got her set so it's not going to take on any more water. I'm done fishing soaked to the bone and freezing We stay at the camp again I told him I need to be home early because it's mothers day Sunday. No problem he has to get back early too. We get up at 6am and the tide is out Way out we didn't leave there till 1:00. 



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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #88 on: Jun 28, 2011, 09:26 PM »
So I am taking the wife out for our first fishing trip together in Irondequoit bay..Lunches packed rods all rigged and ready to go boat hooked up and off we go.. Get to the rush/scottsville exit where they were doing some road work. Looked in the rearview mirror and asked out loud Where is the boat? My life laughs and says stop joking..aparrently i had a look of horror on my face because she quickly realized i wasn't kidding she turned and looked and sure enough no boat!! :o We quickly make a illegal u turn to see how bad things are thinking the whole way..did the boat hit someone? Is the boat in pieces? Did I lose $1000's worth of fishing gear? ??? Drove about a mile and saw the boat and trailer had come to a stop in the middle of the 390 median. Thank God!!!! Just moments later a sheriff pulls up and you can see him snickering before he exits the vehicle..  >:(Officer is nice enough to help us try hooking the trailer back up to the truck..let me back up just a sec the median was a swampy mess with 2 deep divots...and of the course the boat and trailer are stuck in one. I ask the wife (A blonde) ;D to inch the truck forward so we can place the tongue back on the ball. Well the wife decides she is mario andretti with 4WD and nearly runs both the officer and myself over!!! :o  To make a long story shorty never forget to hook up the safety chains!!!! ;D


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Re: Stupidest mistake?
« Reply #89 on: Jun 29, 2011, 08:37 AM »
I decided to go out early after eyes, and couldn’t find anyone who wanted to get up to fish.  So I packed things up and headed to the boat.  I got there and uncovered the boat, unloaded the car, put everything in its place, started the motor, and was ready to go.  I untied the front line and stepped on the boat’s front deck (pontoon) to put the line inside.  Little did I know that in that quick few seconds the boat had drifted about two feet from the dock.  Not thinking, I stepped back without looking where I was stepping.  The rest is kind of fuzzy.  I felt my foot get wet, and launched myself backwards to try to land on the dock.  By this time the dock was a couple feet higher than I thought it was and it hit me right across the top of my a$$.  My back arched and my head whipped back and smacked the dock with a really loud CRACK!  I remember laying on the dock and lifting my leg out of the water, then a couple minutes later rolling to my stomach, then a couple more minutes later getting up on all fours.  I was in this position for at least ten minutes (I think).  Luckily (maybe) it was 4:30 in the morning and no one was awake in the marina to see my antics.  I eventually came around and took a seat on the boat that was drifting around, still half tied to the dock by the back rope.  Probably an hour later I decided that I wasn’t going to waste the morning and headed out to the lake to go fishing.  Later that night while getting out of the shower my wife yells “Oh my god what happened to you?”  I had a HUGE dark purple bruise across my right butt cheek.  That was four weeks ago, and I still have the remnants of that bruise!
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