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Author Topic: TO suicide attempt  (Read 11103 times)


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TO suicide attempt
« on: Sep 27, 2006, 08:59 AM »
did anyone herar TO attempted suicide last night ???

the guy is a dink, but man, thats horrible :-\

esox slayer

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Re: TO
« Reply #1 on: Sep 27, 2006, 09:00 AM »
did anyone herar TO attempted suicide last night ???

the guy is a dink, but man, thats horrible :-\

Report I heard was that he had an adverse reaction to the pain medication he was taking for his broken finger....
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Re: TO
« Reply #2 on: Sep 27, 2006, 09:04 AM »
Report I heard was that he had an adverse reaction to the pain medication he was taking for his broken finger....

Did he put a gun in his mouth and miss or what? Attempted suicide?


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Re: TO
« Reply #3 on: Sep 27, 2006, 09:09 AM »
essox, that is TO's publicist report, the police report and EMT report and hospital report says that TO said he took 35 pain pills and was trying to harm himself, hie own words in the report ??? the publisist and TO's "girlfriend" says he just mistook his pain pills for his vitamins, but like everyone is saying, who takes 35 pills at night ??? he may not have actually tried to kill himself, but it sure seems funny ??? and at the same time, look at the guy, he is a perfect shape, and takes perfect care of his body, i really doubt he mistook his pills ???


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Re: TO
« Reply #4 on: Sep 27, 2006, 09:32 AM »
i just found out the girl that was at his house with him was his publicist, also the girl that claimed it was a allergic reaction last night to the press, but cold pizza just got a copy of the report, the call was recieved to 911 as a suicide attempt, the police reports have owens statements saying he was indeed attempting suicide and took all 35 pills, the publicist who first said to the press that it was a reaction, was also on record not only calling 911 saying it was a suicide, but apparently fought with owens trying to get the pills away from him. also they are reporting his phsyc reports from san fran and philly that he has been a suicide risk for a long time, people just ignored it because it was TO ???


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #5 on: Sep 27, 2006, 09:37 AM »
He wasnt the top story anymore he had to do something to bring himself back into the news. LOL The guy is a nutbag IMO.

Im not saying hes not a good football player hes just nutty.  :cookoo:
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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #6 on: Sep 27, 2006, 09:39 AM »
The spoiled brat is a loser.  Maybe he'll get lucky next time.  Tired of hearing about him the last couple of years.


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #7 on: Sep 27, 2006, 09:44 AM »
He wasnt the top story anymore he had to do something to bring himself back into the news. LOL The guy is a nutbag IMO.

Im not saying hes not a good football player hes just nutty.  :cookoo:

exactly he is a great athlete, but a total arse :tipup:

they are saying his counselors were telling him to get help for his depression ever since he came into the league but they couldnt make him do it, speculation from counselors is that his depression is caused by his tragic and hard upbringing, then when he finally got to the pros from his backwater college, he always wanted to be the best, thats why he was such an arse when he finally achieved his "great player" status, but now at 32 he is declining and constantly hurt so he went into a depression worse than he had been in ???


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #8 on: Sep 27, 2006, 10:08 AM »
wow, dallas police arent giving anything about the owens case, all reporters wanted to know is why the police were called to the scene by thge paramedics ??? which suicide attempt can be considered a criminal offense, so saying that, obviously it was a suicide attemt ??? although the police are not filing criminal charges on TO at this time :tipup: the press is going to get the 911 tape and release it, as soon as the fire dept. makes it public record :tipup:


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #9 on: Sep 27, 2006, 11:31 AM »
this is whats on yahoo sports what that idiot.

Police: T.O. tried to kill himself
By JAIME ARON, AP Sports Writer
September 27, 2006

DALLAS (AP) -- Flamboyant Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens tried to kill himself by overdosing on pain medication, even putting two more pills into his mouth after a friend intervened, according to a police report obtained Wednesday.

The report said Owens was asked by rescue workers "if he was attempting to harm himself, at which time (he) stated, `Yes."'

The Dallas police report said the 32-year-old Owens told his friend "that he was depressed." Details of the police report were first reported by WFAA-TV.

Police Lt. Rick Watson said during a brief news conference that he could only confirm that paramedics called police to say they were taking Owens to the hospital. He said no more details would come from the police because no laws were broken.

"This is a high-profile person. We looked into it and we determined it is not a criminal offense," Watson said. "This a medical type of situation that occurred."
Watson and fire department spokesman Joel Lavender cited privacy laws for the lack of information they could provide. Lavender said more details could come from the 911 call. The Associated Press filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act to get the contents of the call.

"Let's just look at the tape, review the tape," Lavender said. "I'll give you an honest answer once I know something."

At the police news conference, Watson released a version of the police narrative with certain sections blacked out. The full report was obtained by several news outlets and reported first by WFAA. The AP received the full version from WFAA.

The friend, who is not identified in the report, "noticed that (his) prescription pain medication was empty and observed (Owens) putting two pills in his mouth," the police report said. The friend attempted to pry them out with her fingers, then was told by Owens that before this incident he'd taken only five of the 40 pain pills in the bottle he'd emptied.

According to the police report, Dallas Fire and Rescue was called regarding someone "attempting suicide by prescription pain medication." Officers arrived to find Owens being stabilized by ambulance workers, who then took him to Baylor University Medical Center.

Owens was hospitalized late Tuesday because of what his publicist said was an allergic reaction to pain medicine he was taking for a broken hand. Doctors reportedly tried to induce vomiting.

Owens, one of the league's top receivers during his 11-year NFL career, is best known for wild stunts on the field and other publicity-seeking antics off it.

When the Cowboys signed him to a $25 million, three-year deal in March, they said their background checks indicated no red flags. In fact, team consultant Calvin Hill -- who mostly deals with troubled players -- said during training camp that his department was not involved with Owens because he didn't have a history of those kinds of problems.

He missed most of training camp, and three of four preseason games, because of a hamstring injury. He was late for work during his recovery and was fined for it, but Owens laughed it off, saying he overslept. He said it had happened before, though not with Dallas, and would probably happen again.
Owens broke the bone leading to his right ring finger during a game a week ago Sunday. The next day, doctors screwed in a plate so the bone could heal without fear of further damage. Cowboys coach Bill Parcells said last week that the pain medicine made Owens ill.

Owens had not practiced since the injury, but because Dallas had a bye this past weekend he did not miss a game. He was expected to practice Wednesday, and Parcells had said there was a chance Owens could play Sunday against Tennessee.

Owens had been especially looking forward to the Cowboys' game after that -- Oct. 8, in Philadelphia, against the team that dumped him midway through last season only months after he helped them nearly win the Super Bowl.

Owens was seen laughing and joking on the practice field Tuesday morning. He chatted briefly with reporters in the locker room in the afternoon and seemed fine. A 2-inch scar on the top of his hand was puffy but not wrapped, and he said the swelling was going down.

While in the locker room, he took a pill from a white paper bag and looked at another medicine bottle that was in the bag. He also called a business partner about a towel-wrap venture they're starting and joked to TV cameras that he wasn't talking until Wednesday and today was only Tuesday.

"My little boy knows better than that," he said, laughing, as he plopped onto a sofa in the middle of the locker room.

Also Tuesday, Owens was involved in launching a national campaign for the National Alliance to End Abuse, an organization aimed at helping at-risk youngsters. He appeared at a high school Tuesday morning and was scheduled to visit others but had to cancel because of changes in the team's practice schedule.

A hospital spokeswoman said early Wednesday there was no patient registered as Terrell Owens, although federal privacy laws allow people to block their name from being released. Owens' publicist and agent, and the Cowboys, did not return repeated calls from The Associated Press. No teammates or Cowboys officials were seen entering the hospital late Tuesday night.

Owens has played two games for the Cowboys, catching nine passes for 99 yards and a touchdown.


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #10 on: Sep 27, 2006, 12:24 PM »
oh BS, TO talked to michael irvin and said he did not try to commit suicide, but he had his pastor and publicist at his house, the called 911 and said he was depressed and tried to commit suicide, he told the police he tried to commit suicide, the police are now changing the documents and blotting out TO's answers about the suicide :-\ i have a hard time believing a man in that kind of shape, who wouldnt even eat a cheese steak when he first got to philly because it was bad for his body, would ever mistake his pills, not to mention take 35 of them on accident ??? and why would his pastor and publicist show up at his house just in the nick of time, and if he accidentally took them, and not trying to commit suicide, why was his publicist trying to get the pills from him and get pills out of his mouth ??? i agree with the reporters, last night his publicist was acting as his friend, today, she is his publicist again and denying everything :tipup:


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #11 on: Sep 27, 2006, 03:14 PM »
hmmm, i dont know? im not a huge TO fan, but after looking him in the eye and seeing him give his side of the story, i almost believe him :-\ im a pretty good judge of character, and after seeing his conference, and thinking into the past, i cant think of one time i have heard him lie ??? he just didnt act like a guy that wanted that much attention, or was seriouisly wanting to die, not that anyone knows how someone is supposed to act after a failed suicide attempt ??? who knows, maybe he is a good actor :-\


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #12 on: Sep 27, 2006, 03:43 PM »
I beleive that it was a suicide attempt by TO. He's certainly a role model for young athletes everywhere. ::)


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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #13 on: Sep 28, 2006, 08:08 AM »
Good News: T.O. may have tried to commit suicide. :clapping: :clapping:

Bad News: T.O. was unsuccessful in his attempted suicide. :cursing:
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Re: TO suicide attempt
« Reply #14 on: Sep 28, 2006, 08:08 AM »
Good News: T.O. may have tried to commit suicide. :clapping: :clapping:

Bad News: T.O. was unsuccessful in his attempted suicide. :cursing:

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