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Author Topic: PETA ???  (Read 15801 times)


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #15 on: Mar 09, 2004, 03:40 PM »
Now, Now, We must make room for all of God's creatures.

Right next to the potatoe of our choice!
Mobil Launch Team - 2 , 5th MAC SOG
de Opresso liber

mike VDM

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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #16 on: Mar 09, 2004, 07:01 PM »
Hold on I will ask my wife whats going on in PETA.  My mother in-law and my wife are into PETA.  Yes I have been asked to leave the in-laws house before!  I fish & hunt but some how it works out?  We had a deal from day one that I wouldn't rub it in her face and she would leave me alone.  We agree to disagree.  Believe me I argued until I was blue in the face!  All I can say is that she and all of them are ignorant and don't want to see the truth! 

She loves it when the kids bring home there fish to show her or when we see a deer or a turkey my kids go bang I got it dad.  Hey I told her I wouldn't rub it in her face................


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #17 on: Mar 16, 2004, 07:34 PM »
i knew a vegetarian once who said he would not eat anything that has a face...i said no prob i usually cut the whole darn head off!!
Its unreal how some people say things without thinking :-[ What? Yeah i only eat  veggies,musseles,oysters,clams and eggs because they have no face. Some people eat french fried worms and never have to feel bad because they have no face.


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #18 on: Mar 16, 2004, 09:56 PM »
Just curious if anyone has heard any new news on what PETA has lined up for us fisherman this year. I saw a peta site on the computer that compares us hooking fish and taking them out of the water to us hooking our pets and putting them under water. When is this peta c*a* gonna end ?

I disagree with PETA at almost every level.

But Raleigh, you know how the CDOW is removing smallmouth and catfish and pike from the  yampa and the colorado and the gunnison for suckers and chubs to live? PETA is against that, so we shouldn't try to piss them off to much ;)


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #19 on: Mar 16, 2004, 11:26 PM »
I would imagin that most of the fish that they take out will find another home in a different lake or river in Colorado or out of state. I presonley do not like them taking the fish out. I do not think PETA has as much of a problim with taking them out and putting them in different lakes and river. I think PETA would be more concerned with how they are getting the fish out of the water, by zapping the water with lots of volts to knock the fish out.


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #20 on: Mar 17, 2004, 08:22 AM »
LoneWolf, I think we may have a lot more guns in this country than England does.

Without a doubt!  In England, residents are required to register all guns (long and hand) and expressly state what they are to be used for.  If they don't use them regularly (i.e. for hunting) then they cannot keep them.  The local authorities will come around and confiscate them.  They are also not allowed to have more than a reasonable number of firearms that are meant for the same purpose!  I don't remember all the details regarding this issue.  I got these facts from an article I read in one of the outdoor journals about 5 or 6 years ago.  I can safely say that it is much, much, much more strict in the UK than here.

Are there any UK members out there that can comment (and correct my facts if need be) on this subject??


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #21 on: Mar 17, 2004, 08:38 AM »
jigstick I agree - but we definitely can't underestimate them. Here's a perfect example. I and a friend were flyfishing in Pa. several years back and there was a small group of ,for lack of better description, anti-fisherman. There were only maybe five of them in the parking area when I arrived but they were preaching about how cruel it was to hook fish for my enjoyment. I can't say they were a part of PETA but they were of the same mentallity.
After hearing so many horror stories of hunters (I used to bowhunt) coming back to their vehicles and finding them vandalized I figured I had better make myself understood before I left my vehicle. I took out a piece of paper and pen and wrote down the tag on the car they were in while they watched. The owner asked what I thought I was doing and I explained, "now I have your plate number and if I come back and find anything wrong with my vehicle I will file a police report  and then I will come and visit you myself".
Needless to say there were no mishaps and my buddy Andy still laughs about that. It's just sad that I would have to do that while trying to enjoy a day of fishing. 
Those who are brave are free ..       


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #22 on: Mar 17, 2004, 09:04 AM »
Lonewolf - it is unfortunate that nonsense like that happens.  But, in reality, it happens all the time.  Some guys I know of were duck hunting on public land along the banks of the Connecticut River.  They had a nice blind constructed out of natural materials and it was semi-permanent for the season.  Well, there is a woman that lives nearby and is anti-hunting of any sort.  She would try to chase off the waterfowl as they were hunting, hassle them by making noise, etc.  One day she went too far.  She was out dismantling the blind and stealing decoys when the hunters arrived.  Well, they called the CO and he arrested her for tampering with private property and interfering with legal acts of hunting.  In most states, it is a crime to impede the actions of hunters and fishermen.

What you did to those demonstrators was the right thing in warning them that they could be brushing with the law.  If everyone reacted as cooly and calmly as you did, it might help the war against the "antis" a little anyway!


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #23 on: Mar 17, 2004, 02:39 PM »
jigstick, youre totally right on not giving those ........ 1 inch.  once they ban something, lets say like using crayfish for bait , they have already gotten a foothold on our heritage of using them for bait
I like big fish and I cannot lie!


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #24 on: Mar 18, 2004, 11:55 AM »
I agree with you guys 100% on PETA and other radical organizations. My question: Any one know anything about other groups like the Sierra Club or Nature Conservancy. I have heard they are good for environmental issues, but as a hunter and fisherman, I would like to know their position on these issues.


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #25 on: Mar 18, 2004, 08:31 PM »
that makes me queesy. makes my stomach churn. i went to the peta site and one of the articles said: FEEDING MEAT TO CHILDREN IS CHILD ABUSE. i did a double take on that one like whhhhhaaaattttt? no it isnt. meat has the most protien per ounce than any other food. its almost like joining a cult. they feed you verrrrry little protien to literally brainwash you so they can have complete control over you. think about that. 95% most likely they arent a cult and tring to brain wash people. but has the ingeridients to. makes me sick to my stomach.
have a nice day :P
Randy Mason
FLCC 09' Fisheries Technology major


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #26 on: Mar 18, 2004, 09:17 PM »
acsacmboy I read an artical where peta went to an elementry school and where handing out playing cards to children. The cards had messages on them saying that eating chicken is bad for you and will eventuly make you sick. Now I think that is wrong. Peta is trying to brain wash little children.


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #27 on: Mar 18, 2004, 09:45 PM »
PETA also thinks that drinking milk is wrong.  They have anit- dairy trading cards for litle school kids too.  They are obnoxiously disgusting.  PETA says that milk is "gas-giving, cancer causing, obesity-inducing, acne-producing, and a throat full of phlegm producing beverage" that should not be consumed "for its deleterious health effects ".  More PETA claims: "Milk has also been linked to more serious health problems, including heart disease, cancer, stroke, and even osteoporosis-the very disease that it is supposed to help prevent."  They say that to milk an animal is in-humane and that farmers are stealing milk from the cow and cows are raped just to get them to continue producing milk.  Seems like pretty ridiculous claims to me.

This is a very dangerous bunch to our sport and way of life!


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #28 on: Mar 18, 2004, 10:16 PM »
I will tell you that there is one thing that I do agree with that peta is trying to fight. I emphise (one thing) I am a huge dog lover and I watched one of there little movies that they had on there site. It was of how they put dogs to asleep in some kenels in the united states. I watched it and I will admit it made me shead a tear or two. The kenels pile unwanted dogs in a little metal box. Than they clamp a hose to it and pump carbom monxide into the box, You here the dogs barking and cryind for about 30 seconds or so and then it is just silence :-[. Peta is a bunch of nut jobs, but that hit me hard. I have two dogs of my own and they are my two best friends.


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Re: PETA ???
« Reply #29 on: Mar 18, 2004, 10:21 PM »
Hey raleigh - I feel for you.  I am a research biologist by trade.  I started out working at a veterinary clinic and I hated putting down the animals.  It didn't matter if they were suffering or not.  It's a tough thing to do to make that decision.  I am a huge dog lover (check out my pics in the general pictures board).  I have three now.  Two setters and a pointer.

I work in the biomedical research field and don't think I could ever put myself in a position to be working with dogs.  Even if it is for the benefit of wiping out disease.

But, I still hate everything that PETA stands for.  They are the classic example of what happens when you get the gang mentality and people react out of emotion and not logic or knowledge.  They only have half the facts straight and even then they twist them to suit their own needs.


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