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Author Topic: Rivereddy breaks out...Monday  (Read 782 times)


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Rivereddy breaks out...Monday
« on: Apr 08, 2021, 09:13 AM »
Well gents, to quote a certain spinach addled sailer, "That's all I can stands, cuz I can't stands no more..." I decided to declare last Monday as
the start of "Go Fish Week":

Monday Apr 05, 2021 - The Maumee walleye run: River 1  Eddy 0.  It is 198 miles from my driveway in Indy to the Jerome St. rapids, but I try to
                                  make an over night trip there at least once a year. Last year's trip will always hold a spot in my memory.  Litttle did I know
                                  that, as I left home that day, I also was leaving a pre covid world. Driving around Ft Wayne on 469, I tuned in a radio station
                                  that informed me that the players in the opening game of the Big 10 BB tournament had just been returned to their respective
                                  locker rooms. I drove back home that same evening to masks,empty shelves, and panic over toilet paper... i only caught 1
                                  walleye that  afternoon, but it was a dandy - 27 " long. Last Monday, a year later, I made the trip again. The "numbers", water
                                  level, temp and weather forecast, were not good but I went anyway.  I left home at 10:00 AM and got there a little after 1:00
                                  PM.  I fished from 1:00 to 4:00 - not eactly prime time fishing.  3 hours of the "Maumee shuffle" yielded one large snagged
                                  carp.  Retreating and declaring victory, I returned home to learn that the walleyes turned on at about 5:30... Yep I traded 6
                                  of driving for 3 hours of fishing - fair trade I say...


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Re: Rivereddy breaks out...Tuesday
« Reply #1 on: Apr 08, 2021, 09:34 AM »
Tuesday, Apr 6, on  "The Local"  - Eddy 2 - river 0.  On this day I traded 6 hours of driving for a 6 minute hop over to the home river.  Instead of brawling
                             rapids in a big muddy river, I sought out current seams and slack water in clear feeder creeks. Lead heads replaced floaters. An
                             hour's worth of casting yielded a pair of 17" smallies that crushed my twisty tails. I tried to get a picture of one of them, but my
                             dang flip phone camera decided it didn't want to take photos that day.  Held at arms length, I couldn't get the whole fish into
                             the picture.  Worse the shutter wouldn't trip and take a dadgummed picture. Only later, at home did I discover that my phone
                             set on "video".  I now have a lovely 40 second clip of trees, the sky, my boots and elbow and yes, about 4 seconds of half a fish....
                             Yeah, I know, no picture, didn't happen- whatever....


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Re: Rivereddy breaks out...Wednesday
« Reply #2 on: Apr 08, 2021, 09:50 AM »
Wednesday, April 7 Somewhere on Raccoon Creek -  Eddy (and wife) a bunch -  creek 0... Me "goyle" and sweetie decided she had heard enough and
                             put her foot down.  "When do I get to go too", she said.  "Today" was my reply.  Wading was the game and white bass were to
                             blame.  The creek was super low and clear and we were way upstream of the main run. In most places one could see the bottom,
                             but in the deeper "green water" we found silvers. There's nothing like the hit of a silver bass.  It's even better when one is catching
                             them on home tied jigs. Better than better is seeing 2 or 3 fish trailing the one one has hooked and knowing that there are more to
                             be caught. We fished for about an hour before the approaching thunderstorm sent us back to the jeep


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Re: Rivereddy breaks out...Thursday
« Reply #3 on: Apr 08, 2021, 09:54 AM »
Thursday, April 8, 2021  score - TBA,  location "dry dock"  Today I'm gonna work on my boat so I can go fishin' tomorrow.
Thanks for putting up with my rant...

fish on, and on,



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