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Author Topic: Mushrooms, Fish and Wet Feet  (Read 1293 times)


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Mushrooms, Fish and Wet Feet
« on: Nov 05, 2022, 05:47 PM »
Today was a mixed bag in more ways than one.

The day started out overcast but relatively comfortable (upper 60's), and slowly warmed up (reaching 75 degrees by mid afternoon) and cleared up, but also breezier (so that it felt cooler at the end of the day than the beginning, even though the temperature was higher).

I spent the morning mushrooming with an older friend. 

We found a few oyster mushrooms, and checked out a historic abandoned mill site in Plainfield.

Then I went fishing, solo, in North Adams.

Unfortunately, I found out fairly soon that my repairs to my chest waders hadn't taken, and leaked slowly but steadily, filling with bone-chilling water by the end of the day.

Starting by the roll dam on the North Hoosic around 1:45 PM,  I waded downstream, casting along the way, but didn't hook up with anything until I eventually caught a 10" brown and 13" rainbow below the Eclipse Mill dam..

Then I climbed up the bank and onto the road around 2:30 PM and walked back to my car before driving to Fish Pond (a/k/a Windsor Lake).

Arriving around 3 PM, I fished Fish Pond until about 4:30 PM, before the cold water in my boots finally convinced me to call it a day.

During that hour and a half, I landed six sunfish, three perch and one (14") rainbow (which fought so well that I initially thought it was a couple inches longer than it really was).


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Re: Mushrooms, Fish and Wet Feet
« Reply #1 on: Nov 06, 2022, 10:27 AM »
Nice day Jim.  I have used loon uv wader sealant with miderate success.  I recently caved and got a new set of simms because my 2 other pairs have bad seam leaks.


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Re: Mushrooms, Fish and Wet Feet
« Reply #2 on: Nov 09, 2022, 08:22 AM »
I recently caved and got a new set of simms because my 2 other pairs have bad seam leaks.

I'm in the market as well.  I loath buying waders.
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