Fishing Tackle

Author Topic: Beautiful Lake X... Why are some people so grumpy? Ramp/lake rage...  (Read 1628 times)


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Woke about 5 this AM and it just seemed as if I needed to go fishing.  I've been thinking about lake X down there is Marshall County and was torn being that it is a Friday and the ramp and all may be a zoo.  I thought if I got there early enough I should be OK.  Packed the truck, boat and a few snacks and loaded up a fascinating podcast about John 18 regarding the conversation between Pilate and Jesus regarding the truth and headed out.  The eastern sky was radiant with variegated clouds and beams of light penetrating through.  The chick magnet (Suburban) was humming and it still blows my mind that I got 18 mpg towing a 17' boat for an hour.  I clearly remember my old chick magnets getting 17 miles to the tankful it seemed.  They have done a great job with fuel economy on these trucks.  So, I get to Culvertown and was in a great mood following a nice drive and a good sermon and as I approach the ramp, it doesn't seem too bad.  A few rigs parked in both directions and two rigs waiting, in line, to launch.  So, for anyone who has been to this ramp, you know the common turn around when you come to the ramp from town is right at the ramp.  I clearly saw the two rigs ahead of me and had no plans to do anything but turn around and go down the lane, pull over, and get my boat ready.  The first guy in line is out of his truck, talking to someone in a boat on the lake and I swing wide right and then through the boat ramp lane and I hear... Today is a bad day to be an a@@hole.  I had my windows down and that compliment was followed by can't you see I'm trying to launch my boat.  I should have kept my mouth shut but I said it is pretty hard to launch your boat when your outside of your truck talking.  I am just turning around.  So, I proceeded down the lane and prepared my boat.  I get launched and I had installed a new Garmin 93SV over the 4th of July and once out on the water, I was amazed at how easy it was to use and how accurate the lake mapping was.  So, I head down to the "kettle" area and decide to troll around the perimeter of the kettle and follow the mapping in 10-15' of water.  Again, I was amazed how easy it was to learn and also between the garmin and the terrova, I was just elated the way everything performed.  So, I'm going a wopping 1.1 mph trolling jigs/twister tails/crawlers and I clearly see a Lund Rebel about 50 yards from me, meandering around with a live scope arm down.  Again, I am following mapping so I decide to go off course a bit and give this boat more space.  No wind, 1.1 mph, no wake and this gentleman yells over to me... Hey, you inconsiderate b@@turd, can't you see I'm fishing.  I chose not to answer and continued veering wide.  He intentionally turns his boat my direction and starts to cast at my boat.  I was out of reach for him and I heard him tell his boat partner -- H@ll, he won't even argue with me...  So, I continue trolling and keep a casual eye on this joker.  I see him pull up his trolling motor and his livescope, start his engine and he had a 90 hp engine and comes on course, just in front of my boat at full speed.  I completely ignored him as he took off but I wonder what in the world is going through his mind.  I have no clue what kind of a morning he has had or maybe yesterday or maybe life in general but just so miserable.  I chose not to respond because you never know when people are carrying a weapon.  But, this did not affect my day or my fishing.  It may have just been the day but the lake was magical.  I am a very simple fisherperson.  I am basically lazy and troll for the most part unless I find a herd of fish.  Today, I trolled three lines - two with 1/16th oz jigs/twisters/chunks of crawler and one with an 1/8th oz jig/twister chuck of crawler.  Most every hump I trolled around the perimeter at 1.1 mph, I hooked up with smallies, perch, rock bass and big blue gills.  Now, I only caught 3 big gills but they were very chunky.  The rock bass were fun and the smallies were out of control.  The biggest was a wisker shy of 18" and those fish just don't give up.  I caught more smallies today than I usually catch simply trolling.  It was a bright, beautiful, sunny, windless day and I started with such positive expectations, thinking I was gonna fish all day.  By about 3 pm, the sun had taken it's toll and enough was enough.  Over all, it was a good day.  This Garmin is too fun and going to improve my trolling a great deal.  Loading the boat and the drive home were uneventful.  I would encourage anyone interested to go visit and fish lake X. Keep it simple and you will probably have some luck and certainly will have fun.  I have been skunked on this lake in the past but today it was productive and just too much fun...


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So sad people have to be that way. Yes you never know if they might have a weapon but it works both ways. When they act that way to a stranger they have no idea what the stranger has or how they will react. Sometimes I feel blessed to have my own ponds.

Your story reminds me of coming back from vacation a few weeks ago and stopping at a convenience store for gas in New York on my away back to Indiana. When it was time to leave a guy was blocking my exit with a very long trailer. I opened my door (the wife was driving) and asked politiely if he could pull up a few feet. The response was how the F bomb this and F bomb that can I do that pumping gas. I responded with, "You don't have to be nasty about we can wait." When he was done he drove off so fast I thought he would hit someone on the way out. It would seem like a dumb thing to do as if they say that to the wrong person they could end up flat on the pavement. Maybe that happens from time to time. No idea. Btw no offense to our NY folks here but I seem to have a knack for running into to rude people in NY. They seem stressed out with short fuses. Had an interesting situation at a toll booth once too.

And yes I know we don't know what leads to that behavior. Maybe something really bad happened that day. But they still don't have to take it out on others.

O.K. true funny story about someone being rude. Burt Reynolds in his younger days was sitting at the bar.  Another guy nearby was sitting on a barstool and harassing him. Really nasty and calling him names for no reason. You're not so tough blah blah blah. Finally Burt got up and punched him in the face so hard he fell off the bar stool. It was then he realized the guy had no legs. He said he suddenly felt really bad as the guy was trying to get up and looked like a turtle that had flipped over and was desperately trying to right itself.  :rotflol:
“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine.” —Abraham Lincoln


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Sorry to read this.  Its a shame when we head out for peace and relaxation and deal with that. 

A very well known lake champlain guide did donuts around my buddies boat after we looped around noticing he was spot locked so we didnt fish nearby.  He lost it anyways and with clients on board did 3 loops around my buddies boat.  Then he came straight for me.  I whipped out my phone and recorded it all.  He was upset I was recording him.  His clients were all white faced.

It could have been a nice viral career ender but I keep the video to myself. 


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I'm glad you caught some fish and enjoyed your day.  I rarely fish lake X but from what I have seen, I'm not even slightly surprised.
  I was on the south end by the fingers a few years back. Some guys in a wake boat slowly came by and a guy hopped out and started wake boarding north away from me. Absolutely no issue at all, until they made a big loop and came back by at full speed. No idea why as there was no interaction between us. I guess they just thought it was funny.


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 Richard craniums are everywhere
 I’ve had my share of knot heads over the years , I’ve had issues ice fishing parking to
 I’m glad you had a good day


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Nice job, ignore the rude ones n fish on


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ProV, I think we have all seen that guy on the Lake. There doesn't seem to be that many during the week. Sounds like you had a good day of "catching"....h2l


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  • If it were easy !!! Everyone would do it!
It was a good day fishing.  And when you see two people arguing its hard to tell which one is the idiot.  Be glad you didn't take the bait!!!


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Always best to take the high road and dont let anyone ruin your day. Fishing is all about relaxing.

Sounds like you found the fish and enjoyed yourself.

People are crazy these days.. as the saying goes most people have never been punched in the face. Otherwise they wouldn't act a fool lol.


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