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Author Topic: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch  (Read 15812 times)


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #75 on: Apr 15, 2004, 10:17 PM »
lol ;)


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #76 on: Apr 16, 2004, 05:41 AM »
So let's see...
Bush , Kerry, Fishing, Creationism, Guns, Evolutionism, Hunting, NRA, God, Cosmic Chance, Manatees, Divine Intervention, Vernacular Interpretations, Natural Extinctions, National Defense,   Radical Environmental Policies and Bass!

Whew!....I finally found a fish! ;)

"Man is a political animal" ...Aristotle


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #77 on: Apr 18, 2004, 11:06 PM »
Shawn- I have guns, and anyone that tries to take them from me will be very sorry. Kerry certainly won't.
What's that saying?   Pry it from my cold dead fingers...

Fat Boy

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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #78 on: Apr 20, 2004, 11:16 AM »
I've stayed out of this for a long my dander is up (but I'll be respectful).

I'd like to know when the right to not be censored was added to the bill of rights.  I'd like to know what's wrong with censorship, why it's a "bad" thing.  You can say whatever you want to say, but don't yell "fire" in a movie theater.  Bringing porn to Americas airwaves is NOT a good thing for our children to hear.  There's no right for someone like that to express his vulgarity on the PUBLIC airwaves.  There are laws against public vulgarity and indecent exposure.

Also, I seem to remember a week or two ago news reports across the liberal media about large increases in the numbers of jobs out there.  And, the current deficit can be linked to both the war on Iraq and 9/11.  Give me a break.  The Clinton Administration did it's share of spending and brought this country to the brink of rescession.

I've got a lot more to say but my lunch hour is over.


OK, I'm leaving my grumpy attitude now... By the way, I like everyone on here no matter what their political views are, as long as it ain't pro-PETA!


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #79 on: Apr 20, 2004, 12:32 PM »
Holy crud FB!!  You weren't sitting near any saplings during your lunch break were you!!?!  ;D  ;D

btw- you couldn't be any closer to the truth about stinking up the airwaves for under-aged ears to hear.  Some kids are too easily influenced and shouldn't be exposed to such nonsense until their judgement is sound enough to tell them right from wrong and which path they prefer to choose...


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #80 on: Apr 20, 2004, 01:19 PM »
NONE!.....just an observation....not a complaint.
If you lend someone $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it.

Fat Boy

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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #81 on: Apr 20, 2004, 01:38 PM »
OK, I'm taking a quick work break to continue...

Look, I think Howard Stern can be funny, and is intelligent and all of that...

-- But --

I dont' want my 11 year old daughter tuning in to him, or anyone like him, without my permission.  Yes, I can turn the radio and TV off and on.  There are technological advances that help too, parental controls on cable TV for example.  I can keep tabs on my daughter.  But realistically, there will be times when inappropriate material crosses her path, either on TV, radio or on the internet.  We censor this site to keep it family friendly as much as we can.  We aren't perfect, but we try at least.

So if people want to hear him, then let them PAY for him, or let the corporate Networks pay for it.  He can still perform and say what he wants to say, just not on Public airwaves, and still have his first amendment right.  Give parents some measure of protection that we once had in the past.

In my opinion, censorship on public TV and radio hasn't been doing a very good job over the years.  Why?  The same media that controls the news reporting, and Hollywood, combine to shape the nations declining morality.  Funding to Government institutions responsible for censorship enforcement has been declining over the years too.  Gee, I wonder who is responsible for that? 

I'm sure that our forefathers would cringe to see the morals of today.  Not that they were perfect, mind you, they made some HUGE mistakes. 

…back to work.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #82 on: Apr 20, 2004, 02:05 PM »
Look, I think Howard Stern can be funny, and is intelligent and all of that...
-- But --
So if people want to hear him, then let them PAY for him, or let the corporate Networks pay for it.  He can still perform and say what he wants to say, just not on Public airwaves, and still have his first amendment right.  Give parents some measure of protection that we once had in the past.

Exactly my point too.  He would fit in fine on one of the premium cable/satellite stations where parents have support of an adult guard lock to keep children from viewing.  Let him keep his programming the way he likes it without censorship, let's just control the audience to those who are mature enough to decide that they don't want to hear him.

I think he is intelligent too and I have at times liked some of his stuff.  BUT, I also find that the older I become, the less tolerant I am of his demoralizing attitude towards women.  That is my biggest beef with him.  That stuff was cool when I was a teen but not anymore.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #83 on: Apr 20, 2004, 08:29 PM »
I dont think Howie is intelligent. I heard they cut off his hair and someone punched him in the mouth when he got arrested. Heres a press release photo.

Fat Boy

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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #84 on: Apr 20, 2004, 09:46 PM »
Cider, on the Endangered Species Act and your discussion on species...well put.  And, like you said, in a nutshell, it is not the role of man to protect each species from becoming extinct.  I'd like to add a bit more too, that our mere existance causes extinction, it always has and always will.  That doesn't mean that we should be reckless and not good stewards of our environment though.  Common sense goes a long way. 

As far as voting based on a candidates record, (and I don't remember who on this thread because I don't have time to go back and check, but whoever you are, I deem you worthy of credit for saying it not I) think of the party that is backing the man.  The current Democratic party will dictate Kerry's policy if he's elected (God forbid, sorry Mike, I believe), not Kerry himself.  And, also, he's moved to the middle and back from the left so much that you don't really know where he stands.  I can live with any of the Bush policies today because at least I know where he stands.  The environmental policies of the previous administration certainly didn't favor the outdoorsman either, and neither did their higher taxes. 

So, you're tellin' me (not you Mike, but the supporters of the left) that we should all be guilty for owning and driving SUVs?  I guess we'll have to pay a tax for that some day too, eh?

OK, I've had enough to say on this subject.  I'm done venting.  I'll read the rest and bite my tongue until my face turns blue again.  Y'all vote the way you want.  But when things change and your outdoors priviledges begin to fall (and already have in many places) little by little, don't come cryin' to the people who tried to stop it to get it back for ya.  That kind of change may or may not happen in my lifetime or yours.  But it could happen to your kids.


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Re: Bush Hosts Fishermen, Hunters on Ranch
« Reply #85 on: Apr 20, 2004, 10:02 PM »
Well said FB!  You are correct, our mere presence on this planet does lead to extinctions whether intentional or not.  Yes, we do need to be the best stewards possible.  Unfortunately, humans are self-destructive.  It is in our nature.  We will exhaust our resources and move on to others until there are no more.  All we can hope for is to sustain the environment for as long as "humanly" possible!

It is the opinion of many biologists that human societies, as we know them today, will eventually revert back to hunter/gatherer societies and eventually we will become extinct ourselves.  Wonder what life-form will fill our niche when we are gone?!?

Yes, political front-runners are the voice of their party and often times their actions are dictated by the demands of the party.  However, they are easily swayed with false promises and pretenses when they are trying to reach their objective.  This works both ways.  A little more so to the left than the right.

It is nice that the current president stands his ground and you know what he believes in and that he has a good sense of right from wrong whether you agree with his politics or not.  He doesn't waver on the issues like his challenger.  He also holds a moral and ethical higher ground and respects the country and his office.  Unlike his predecessor.

Everyone keeps giving Bush a hard time, but what they don't realize or won't admit is that he is motivated by his love for the US of A and wouldn't intentionally do anything to drive this country into the ground.

Did you see Tim Russert on Sunday morning?  Kerry was just awful on Meet the Press last weekend.  Russert really had him trapped in a corner on his voting record and Kerry couldn't find the door to get out fast enough!


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